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Margaret Mann

Photo of Margaret Mann

Margaret Mann is the group manager of the Technology Systems and Sustainability Analysis Group in the Strategic Energy Analysis Center.

Group Manager
On staff since 1993
Phone number: 303-275-2921

Analysis expertise

  • Technical and economic feasibility analysis
  • Environmental analysis
  • Strategic planning for market development

Primary research interests

  • Life cycle assessment of renewable energy and conventional technologies
  • Public/private sector techincal support
  • Evaluation of technical, policy, and programmatic benefits

Education and background training

  • B.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado, 1993

Prior work experience

  • Process Engineer, Golden Technologies Corporation (1991-1993)
  • Undergraduate Research Associate, National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) (1989-1991)

Other affiliations

  • Executive Board, American Center for Life Cycle Assessment, 2004-present
  • Advisory member of the North American Life Cycle Inventory Database Project
  • Member, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
  • Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

Selected publications

Some of the following documents are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Adobe Reader

Levene, J.I.; Mann, M.K.; Margolis, R.; Milbrandt, A. (2006). Analysis of Hydrogen Production from Renewable Electricity Sources. Journal of Solar Energy. November 8, 2006. (PDF 564 KB)

Curran, M. A.; Mann, M.; Norris, G. (2005). International Workshop on Electricity Data for Life Cycle Inventories. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 13, 2005; pp. 853-862; NREL Report No. JA-560-38656.

Heller, M. C.; Keoleian, G. A.; Mann, M. K.; Volk, T. A. (2004). Life Cycle Energy and Environmental Benefits of Generating Electricity from Willow Biomass. Renewable Energy. Vol. 29(7), 2004; pp. 1023-1042; NREL Report No. JA-510-36459.

Spath, P. L.; Mann, M. K. (2004). Biomass Power and Conventional Fossil Systems with and without CO2 Sequestration -- Comparing the Energy Balance, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Economics. 38 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-510-32575. (PDF 2.4 MB)

Mann, M. K.; Spath, P. L. (2001). Life Cycle Assessment of Biomass Cofiring in a Coal-Fired Power Plant. Clean Products and Processes. Vol. 3, 2001; pp. 81-91.

Full list of Margaret Mann publications (NREL)


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