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NIOSH Occupational Energy Research Program


Study Fact Sheets: Information for Workers

When a study is complete, fact sheets are created for workers to provide them with information about the study and to explain what the study found.

Below is a list of worker notifications developed for Occupational Energy Research Program (OERP) studies:

Findings from the NIOSH-Funded Study: Radon Exposures to Workers at the Fernald Feed Materials Production Center (August 2008) presented a public meeting October 2008.

This study estimated radon exposure to people who worked at the Fernald Feed Materials Production Center between 1952 and1988.

Findings from the NIOSH-Funded Savannah River Site Mortality Study (April 2008) presented at worker briefing October 2008.
Researchers studied nuclear workers from the Savannah River Site to find out if working with potentially hazardous agents may have led to more deaths at the Site than would be expected in the general population. Researchers also looked at exposure to ionizing radiation in workers who died from leukemia to see if radiation exposure may or may not be linked to death from leukemia.

Multi-Site Leukemia Worker Notification (March 2008) presented at worker briefing September 2008.

NIOSH researchers studied nuclear workers from five Department of Energy (DOE) sites to see if being exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation in the workplace may or may not be linked with death from leukemia.  The five DOE sites involved in the study were: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Hanford Site, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, and Savannah River Site.

A cohort mortality study of chemical laboratory workers in Department of Energy Nuclear Plants (2008).
In this study, we examined the different causes of death in chemical lab workers who worked at certain Department of Energy facilities.

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Detailed information about  OERP studies:
Ongoing Research Activity
Completed NIOSH Initiated Research
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Study Fact Sheets: Information for Workers:


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