
Archive | August, 2007

NCPTT and Department of Veterans Affairs Continue Headstone Study

NCPTT and Department of Veterans Affairs Continue Headstone Study

The Department of Veteran Affairs agreed to fund NCPTT’s two-year continuation of the comparative study of commercially available cleaners for use on federally issued headstones.

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Posted in Cemetery Monument Conservation, Materials Research, NewsComments (0)

Vocational Preservation Trades

Vocational Preservation Trades

The Michigan Historic Preservation Network and the Heritage Education Program at NCPTT have developed a formal working relationship to create Vocational Preservation Trades curriculum for high school students.

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Heritage Education Digital Traveling Trunk

Heritage Education Digital Traveling Trunk

The NCPTT Heritage Education Program is developing a Digital Traveling Trunk for teachers to use in the classroom setting and on field trips.

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Posted in Heritage Education, NewsComments (0)

Teacher to Ranger to Teacher

Teacher to Ranger to Teacher

Christine Faith conducted a thorough program audit of the Teacher-to-Ranger-to-Teacher program at Big Thicket National Preserve.

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Posted in Heritage Education, NewsComments (0)

An Evaluation of Supercritical Drying and PEG/Freeze-Drying of Waterlogged Archaeological Wood

A new preservation technique involving the use of supercritical fluids to dry waterlogged archaeological wood will be investigated and compared to current preservation treatments.

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Posted in Archeology & Collections, Disaster Recovery, Grants, NewsComments (0)

Merging Aerial Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Satellite Multispectral Data to Inventory Archaeological Sites

This project will devise protocols for the fusion of commercially available synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data with commercially available multispectral data for the inventory of archaeological sites.

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Posted in Archeology & Collections, Grants, NewsComments (0)

Evaluation of Remote Sensing Tools for the Estimation of Interior Wyoming Basin Cultural Landscape Attributes Using Archived Satellite Imagery and Off-the-Shelf Software

Archaeologists have been using aerial photography and satellite imagery to locate and document large, high-contrast archaeological features since inception. But, what about smaller, low-contrast features utilized by past humans such as root patches and terrace cobble deposits?

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Posted in Archeology & Collections, Grants, NewsComments (0)

Creating a Digital Archive for Cultural Landscapes: Recordation of Montana’s Tongue River Valley

Montana Preservation Alliance proposes to create a digital archive of the rich cultural landscape that is the Tongue River Valley.

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Posted in Archeology & Collections, Grants, Historic Landscapes, NewsComments (0)

High Definition Documentation of Archaeological Structures

Existing conditions documentation of archaeological structures can be cut by 60% and can improve the accuracy and fidelity of the documentation by using scanning technology. This would optimize valuable human and financial resources for archaeologist and preservation specialist working to save our ‘Vanishing Treasures’.

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Posted in Archeology & Collections, Grants, NewsComments (0)

Testing the Regional Reliability of Spectral Signatures of Archaeological Phenomena

We propose to determine whether predictive models that are based on the remotely-sensed characteristics of known archaeological phenomena can be used to forecast reliably the occurrence of unknown archaeological phenomena.

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Posted in Archeology & Collections, Grants, NewsComments (0)

Lichens: The Challenge for Rock Art Conservation

Lichens: The Challenge for Rock Art Conservation

Debra Elaine Dandridge, Lichens: The Challenge for Rock Art Conservation, a Ph.D. dissertation submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies, Texas A&M University.

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Posted in Archeology & Collections, Materials Research, NewsComments (0)

Prospection in Depth 2007

Prospection in Depth 2007

NCPTT hosted Prospection in Depth, a GPS, GIS, and Geophysical technologies workshop held June 18-23, 2007.

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Posted in Archeology & Collections, News, TrainingComments (0)

2007 Preservation in Your Community

2007 Preservation in Your Community

On Aug. 9, NCPTT, Cane River Creole National Historical Park and Cane River National Heritage Area hosted the seventh annual Preservation In Your Community event at Nelson Hall in Natchitoches, Louisiana.

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Dr. Catherine Situma Joined Materials Research Program at NCPTT

Dr. Catherine Situma Joined Materials Research Program at NCPTT

Dr. Catherine Situma joined the NCPTT materials research program in the NCPTT/NSU joint faculty position.

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Posted in Materials Research, NewsComments (0)

Cemetery Monument Conservation Basics

Cemetery Monument Conservation Basics

Jason Church and Bianca Garcia conducted a Cemetery Monument Conservation Basics workshop at City Cemetery No. 1, San Antonio, Texas on June 16, 2007.

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Posted in Cemetery Monument Conservation, News, TrainingComments (0)

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Natchitoches, LA 71457

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