Morning Walkthough in Seoul, South Korea

Stephen W. Bosworth
Special Representative for North Korea Policy
Incheon Airport
Seoul, South Korea
March 10, 2009

QUESTION: Good morning, sir.


QUESTION: You’re in a hurry, yes?


QUESTION: Well, so what have you learned from this round trip?

AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: Well, I’ve learned a lot. But I’ve particularly been impressed by the opportunities for close cooperation with the Government of Korea, and I’ve had very good meetings here. I think we have broad areas of agreement on how to move forward in the Six-Party process and with the North Koreans. So it’s been, for me, a very successful visit.

QUESTION: Oh, okay. And how are you going to deal with the North Korean missiles? With a working group within the Six-Party Talks, or what?

AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: Well, we have a variety of ways of dealing with that. We continue to hope that the North Koreans will not test this missile. So, we’ll have to wait and see.


AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: Thank you. See you on my next visit.

QUESTION: Yesterday, North Korea cut military communication lines. What do you think about it?

AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: I think that’s very unfortunate. We regret seeing that. Clearly, we believe there should be more, not less, communication between North and South. And we hope that the North reconsiders this decision as soon as possible.

QUESTION: Do you think it’s possible to resume the Six-Party Talks within the second quarter of this year, or what?

AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: Oh, I think it’s possible to resume them. I wouldn’t -- I’m confident they will be resumed, but I’m not prepared at this time to predict when that will happen.

QUESTION: Okay. You must be very tired.

AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: Actually, not that tired. I’m looking forward to going home.