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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


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Preventive Services for Children
Vitamin D Supplementation To Prevent Rickets in Breast-Fed Babies: Fact Sheet

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Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Screening (2004)
Congenital Hypothyroidism: Screening (2008)
Dental Caries in Preschool Children: Prevention (2004)
Family Violence: Screening (2004)
Hip, Developmental Dysplasia: Screening (2006)
Lead Levels in Childhood and Pregnancy: Screening (2006)
Lipid Disorders in Children: Screening (2007)
Major Depressive Disorder in Children and Adolescents: Screening (2009)
Newborn Hearing: Screening (2008)
Overweight in Children and Adolescents: Screening and Interventions (2005)
Phenylketonuria: Screening (2008)
Sickle Cell Disease: Screening (2007)
Speech and Language Delay: Screening (2006)
Visual Impairment in Children Under 5: Screening (2004)

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Research Findings

Agency Press Releases

Date   Title
3/30/09 Task Force Recommends Screening Adolescents for Clinical Depression
7/3/08 Task Force Recommends Screening for Hearing Loss in All Newborns

Child Health Research Findings: Preventive Services

Research Activities, April 2009:
Boosting and preserving green spaces in urban neighborhoods may help reduce childhood obesity
Research Activities, March 2009:
Strategies are needed to improve immunization rates among adolescents, especially those with high-risk conditions
Research Activities, January 2009:
Immunization of infants with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine has wide preventive effects
Research Activities, September 2008:
Task Force recommends screening for hearing loss in all newborns
Although most children and adolescents have been vaccinated against hepatitis B virus, adults lag behind
Research Activities, August 2008:
Conference calls, E-mail discussion groups, and targeted Web sites may improve pediatric practice immunization rates
Research Activities, July 2008:
Multiple prescriptions are linked to preventable drug reactions in children
Zero tolerance of alcohol for drivers under age 21 reduces drinking and driving among college students
Research Activities, June 2008:
Smoking in the home leads to more emergency visits and hospitalizations for lung problems among young children
Research Activities, April 2008:
Modest health care quality gains outpaced by spending
State spending on parks and recreation and required physical education classes are linked to youth activity
Adolescents are willing to have chlamydial screening by pediatricians during urgent care visits
Research Activities, February 2008:
Study of young Head Start children links overweight to worsened asthma
Research Activities, January 2008:
Antibiotics to prevent children's recurrent urinary tract infections have unclear benefits and potential risks
Medicaid-insured parents could benefit from educational programs to promote more judicious use of antibiotics
Illinois hospitals are not ready to implement intrapartum strategies to eradicate pediatric HIV infection
Research Activities, December 2007:
Many underinsured U.S. children are not getting needed vaccines due to the current vaccine financing system
Doctors should advise Latino families about the safety, low cost, and dental health benefits of drinking tap water
Research Activities, November 2007:
Local touchscreen computer kiosks can help parents in urban, low-income communities learn about their child's health
A skin condition may identify young patients at risk for developing type 2 diabetes
Research Activities, September 2007:
Exam room reminders and physician feedback can improve screening for chlamydia in young women during preventive care visits
Available and timely access to AZT for HIV-infected mothers giving birth needs to be improved in Illinois birthing hospitals
Research Activities, August 2007:
Pertussis vaccination in adults can be cost-effective depending on incidence rates
Research Activities, July 2007:
Today's teen smokers are more likely to engage in risky behaviors than teens who smoked in the early nineties
Research Activities, June 2007:
Incentives combined with peer counseling are a cost-effective way to get adolescents to adhere to a tuberculosis control program
Research Activities, May 2007:
Parents who explore a preventive health Web site before well-child visits discuss more prevention topics with doctors
Study supports recommendation to expand use of influenza vaccine to children older than 2 years of age
Research Activities, April 2007:
Use of asthma care guidelines reduces emergency visits and improves asthma care in children
Research Activities, March 2007:
Certain types of severe abdominal injury may signal child abuse in young children
Substantially delaying the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine may lead to underimmunization of children
Research Activities, February 2007:
Many children do not receive recommended well-child visits during the year, especially disadvantaged children
Research Activities, January 2007:
Missed opportunities: Too few Americans are being screened or counseled to prevent colorectal cancer, obesity, and other conditions
Mandating more time in school PE classes may not increase exercise or weight loss among American children
Research Activities, December 2006:
Medical injuries among children result in longer hospital stays and higher charges
Research Activities, November 2006:
A continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring system can safely lower blood sugar levels of children with type 1 diabetes
Research Activities, October 2006:
Learning collaboratives are a potentially effective way to improve the quality of care delivered by pediatric practices
Maternal psychological distress and infrequent use of seat belts are associated with children's low use of motor vehicle restraints
Research Activities, September 2006:
Diabetes screening practices in children vary widely among pediatric clinicians
Research Activities, June 2006:
Use of ACE inhibitors during the first trimester of pregnancy is related to an increased risk of birth defects
Research Activities, February 2006:
Urethral catheterization to diagnose urinary tract infections in feverish infants is questioned
Research Activities, November 2005:
Clinicians are more likely to counsel youth diagnosed with obesity about diet and exercise
Research Activities, September 2005:
Studies reveal variations in preventive care and parental guidance among pediatric and family medicine practices
Adolescents underuse and receive little preventive health counseling during primary care visits
Research Activities, August 2005:
Age, not height and weight, may be a better marker for assessing risk to children riding in vehicles with air bags
Routine pertussis vaccination of adolescents would be beneficial and reasonably cost effective
Research Activities, July 2005:
Clinician training and charting tools can improve primary care screening and counseling of adolescents about risky behaviors
Research Activities, May 2005:
Home routines in minority families may impede the healthy development and future school success of their children
Use of an asthma kiosk in the emergency department can educate parents and improve clinician/patient communication
Homeless youths have numerous health and access to care problems that vary between street and shelter-based youths
Research Activities, March 2005:
Late bottle-weaning is associated with an increased risk of overweight
Significant exposure to tobacco smoke and underuse of controller medications exacerbate asthma symptoms among Head Start children
Limited direct evidence supports the many recommendations for preventive care during well-child care visits
Combined video and computer game use outpaces daily TV viewing among preadolescents
Research Activities, January 2005:
Controlling diet and physical activity can help obese and overweight children lose weight
Many chronic diseases and mental disorders that affect adults have their roots in childhood

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