NPWRC :: Operation Crane Watch

Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Operation Crane Watch

Crane 21855

Blue dotBlue dots indicate migration toward breeding grounds
Orange dotOrange dots indicate migration toward wintering grounds.
Last known location is shown as a Red dotred dot.

Last updated: Friday, June 11, 2004

Bird 21855
Leg band: A4
BBL band: 718-32544
Sex: Female
Subspecies: Grus canadensis canadensis
Capture date: March 28, 2000
Capture location: Randy Kuhlmann farm, 8.0 km Northeast of Hershey, NE

Bird NumberDateLatitudeLongitude
21855Mar 29, 200041.192 100.821
21855Mar 31, 200041.173 100.825
21855Apr 2, 200041.203 100.903
21855Apr 4, 200041.289 100.832
21855Apr 5, 200041.186 101.104
21855Apr 7, 200041.182 101.140
21855Apr 9, 200041.215 100.904
21855Apr 11, 200041.325 102.152
21855Apr 12, 200045.259 104.207
21855Apr 14, 200047.370 105.414
21855Apr 15, 200047.368 105.416
21855Apr 17, 200051.951 109.778
21855Apr 18, 200051.936 109.747
21855Apr 19, 200051.924 109.721
21855Apr 21, 200051.918 109.734
21855Apr 22, 200051.916 109.705
21855Apr 23, 200051.905 109.696
21855Apr 24, 200051.903 109.692
21855Apr 26, 200051.946 109.752
21855Apr 27, 200051.866 109.738
21855Apr 28, 200052.022 109.781
21855Apr 30, 200052.094 109.696
21855May 1, 200052.017 109.765
21855May 2, 200052.081 109.744
21855May 3, 200052.074 109.733
21855May 5, 200052.096 109.741
21855May 6, 200053.261 111.673
21855May 7, 200053.389 112.200
21855May 9, 200056.270 117.828
21855May 10, 200059.333 124.527
21855May 11, 200061.767 131.625
21855May 12, 200063.378 143.014
21855May 14, 200063.983 145.394
21855May 15, 200064.437 161.917
21855May 16, 200064.820 175.390
21855May 18, 200066.432-168.911
21855May 19, 200068.172-163.598
21855May 20, 200069.108-159.819
21855May 21, 200069.182-159.420
21855May 23, 200069.142-159.002
21855May 24, 200069.189-159.448
21855May 25, 200069.174-159.437
21855May 27, 200069.174-159.413
21855May 28, 200069.183-159.488
21855May 29, 200068.944-159.491
21855Jun 2, 200069.094-159.457
21855Jun 6, 200069.140-159.281
21855Jun 11, 200069.185-159.079
21855Jun 15, 200069.179-159.117
21855Jun 19, 200069.180-158.993
21855Jun 23, 200069.183-159.054
21855Jun 27, 200069.106-158.825
21855Jul 1, 200069.182-159.065
21855Jul 5, 200069.184-159.375
21855Jul 9, 200069.127-159.074
21855Jul 14, 200069.179-159.404
21855Jul 18, 200069.153-159.378
21855Jul 22, 200069.210-158.950
21855Jul 26, 200069.172-159.412
21855Aug 3, 200069.171-159.435
21855Aug 7, 200069.192-159.444
21855Aug 12, 200069.188-159.503
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