Biographies Listed by Title or Country

Secretary of State
Clinton, Hillary R.

Deputy Secretary of State
Deputy Secretary: James B. Steinberg
Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources: Jacob J. Lew

Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and USAID Administrator

Under Secretaries
- Arms Control and International Security: Vacant
- Democracy and Global Affairs: Vacant
- Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs: Vacant
Management: Patrick F. Kennedy
Political Affairs: William J. Burns
- Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs: Vacant

Assistant Secretaries and and Other Senior Officials
African Affairs: Phillip Carter
Chief of Staff: Cheryl Mills
Consular Affairs: Janice L. Jacobs
Diplomatic Security: Eric J. Boswell
- East Asian and Pacific Affairs: Vacant
European and Eurasian Affairs: Daniel Fried
Inspector General: Harold W. Geisel (Acting)
International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs: David T. Johnson
International Organization Affairs: Esther Brimmer
Legislative Affairs: Richard R. Verma
Near Eastern Affairs: Jeffrey Feltman
Political-Military Affairs: Frank Ruggiero (Acting)
South and Central Asian Affairs: Richard A. Boucher
Verification, Compliance, and Implementation: Rose Gottemoeller
War Crimes Issues (Ambassador-at-Large): Clint Williamson
Western Hemisphere Affairs: Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.

Special Envoys and Special Representatives
Special Envoy for Climate Change: Todd Stern
Special Envoy for the Six-Party Talks: Sung Kim
Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC): Sada Cumber
Special Representative for North Korea Policy: Stephen W. Bosworth

Chiefs of Mission Listed by Country or Organization
- Afghanistan: Vacant
African Union: John A. Simon
Albania: John L. Withers, II
Algeria: David D. Pearce
- Andorra: Vacant
Angola: Dan Mozena
Argentina: Earl Anthony Wayne
Armenia: Marie L. Yovanovitch
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): Patricia M. Haslach
-   Deputy Assistant Secretary for Southeast Asia and Ambassador for ASEAN Affairs: Scot Marciel
- Australia: Vacant
- Austria: Vacant
Azerbaijan: Anne E. Derse
Bahrain: Joseph Adam Ereli
Bangladesh: James F. Moriarty
Belarus: Jonathan Moore
- Belgium: Vacant
Belize: Robert J. Dieter
Benin: Gayleatha B. Brown
Bermuda: Gregory W. Slayton
Bolivia: Krishna R. Urs
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Charles L. English
Botswana: Stephen Nolan
Brazil: Clifford M. Sobel
Brunei Darussalam: William E. Todd
Bulgaria: Nancy McEldowney
- Burkina Faso: Vacant
Burma: Larry M. Dinger
Burundi: Patricia N. Moller
Cambodia: Carol A. Rodley 
Cameroon: Janet E. Garvey
Cape Verde: Marianne M. Myles
Central African Republic: Frederick B. Cook
Chad: Louis Nigro
Chile: Paul E. Simons
- China: Vacant
Colombia: William R. Brownfield
Congo, Democratic Republic of: William J. Garvelink
Congo, Republic of: Alan Eastham
Cote d'Ivoire: Wanda Nesbitt
Croatia: Robert A. Bradtke
Cuba: Jonathan D. Farrar
Cyprus: Frank C. Urbancic, Jr.
- Czech Republic: Vacant
- Denmark: Vacant
Djibouti: James C. Swan
Ecuador: Heather M. Hodges
Egypt: Francis J. Ricciardone, Jr.
Equatorial Guinea: Anton K. Smith
Equatorial Guinea: Donald C. Johnson
Eritrea: Ronald McMullen
- Estonia: Vacant
Ethiopia: Donald Y. Yamamoto
Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga, Tuvalu: C. Steven McGann
- Finland: Vacant
- France: Vacant
Gabon and Sao Tome and Principe: Eunice S. Reddick
Gambia: Barry L Wells
Georgia: John Tefft
- Germany: Vacant
Ghana; Donald Teitelbaum
Greece: Daniel V. Speckhard
Guatemala: Stephen G. McFarland
Guinea: Elizabeth Raspolic
Guyana: John Melvin Jones
Haiti: Janet A. Sanderson
- Holy See: Vacant
Honduras: Hugo Llorens
Hong Kong: Joseph R. Donovan Jr.
Hungary: April H. Foley
Iceland: Carol van Voorst
- India: Vacant
Indonesia: Cameron R. Hume
Iraq: Christopher R. Hill
- Ireland: Vacant
Israel: James B. Cunningham 
- Italy: Vacant
- Japan: Vacant
Jerusalem: Jacob Walles
Jordan: Robert Stephen Beecroft
Kazakhstan: Richard E. Hoagland
Kenya: Michael E. Ranneberger
Kosovo: Tina S. Kaidanow 
Kuwait: Deborah K. Jones
Kyrgyz Republic: Tatiana C. Gfoeller
Laos: Ravic Huso
- Latvia: Vacant
Lebanon: Michele J. Sison
Lesotho: Robert Nolan
Liberia: Linda Thomas-Greenfield
Libya: Gene Cretz
- Liechtenstein: Vacant
Lithuania: John A. Cloud
Luxembourg: Ann Wagner
Macedonia: Philip T. Reeker
Madagascar and Comoros: R. Niels Marquardt
Malawi: Peter Bodde
Malaysia: James Keith
Mali: Gillian Milovanovic
- Malta: Vacant
Marshall Islands: Clyde Bishop
Mauritania: Mark Boulware
- Mauritius and Seychelles: Vacant
Mauritius/Seychelles: Virginia M. Blaser
Micronesia: Miriam K. Hughes
Moldova: Asif Chaudhry
- Monaco: Vacant
Mongolia: Mark C. Minton
Montenegro: Roderick W. Moore
Morocco: Robert P. Jackson
Namibia: Gail D. Mathieu
Nepal: Nancy Powell
Netherlands Antilles and Aruba: Timothy J. Dunn
- Netherlands: Vacant
- New Zeland: Vacant
Nicaragua: Robert J. Callahan 
Niger: Bernadette M. Allen
Nigeria: Robin R. Sanders
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): Kurt Volker
Norway: Benson K. Whitney
Oman: Gary A. Grappo
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD): Christopher F. Egan
Organization of American States (OAS): Hector E. Morales, Jr.
Pakistan: Anne W. Patterson
Palau: Mark Bezner
Panama: Barbara J. Stephenson
Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu: Leslie V. Rowe
Paraguay: Liliana Ayalde
Peru: P. Michael McKinley
Philippines: Kristie A. Kenney
Poland: Victor Ashe
Portugal: Thomas F. Stephenson
Qatar: Joseph LeBaron 
- Romania: Vacant
Russia: John Beyrle
Rwanda: W. Stuart Symington
- San Marino: Vacant
Saudi Arabia: Ford M. Fraker
Senegal and Guinea-Bissau: Marcia Bernicat
Serbia: Cameron Munter
Sierra Leone: June Carter Perry
- Singapore: Vacant
- Slovakia: Vacant
- Slovenia: Vacant
South Korea: Kathleen Stephens
- Spain: Vacant
Sri Lanka and Maldives: Robert O. Blake
Sudan: Alberto M. Fernandez
Suriname: Lisa Bobbie Schreiber Hughes
Swaziland: Maurice S. Parker
- Sweden: Vacant
- Switzerland: Vacant
Tajikistan: Tracey Jacobson
Thailand: Eric G. John
Timor-Leste: Hans G. Klemm
Togo: Patricia McMahon Hawkins
Tunisia: Robert F. Godec
Turkey: James F. Jeffrey
Uganda: Steven A. Browning
Ukraine: William B. Taylor
United Arab Emirates: Richard Olson
- United Kingdom: Vacant
United Nations/Vienna: Ambassador Greg Schulte, Permanent Representative
United Nations: Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative
Uzbekistan: Richard B. Norland
Venezuela: John Caulfield
Vietnam: Michael W. Michalak
Yemen: Stephen Seche
Zambia: Donald Booth
Zimbabwe: James McGee