
Photo of Clyde Bishop
Clyde Bishop
Republic of the Marshall Islands
Term of Appointment: 12/05/2006 to present

Clyde Bishop was confirmed as U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of the Marshall Islands on September 28, 2006 and assumed his duties on December 5, 2006. Ambassador Bishop is a career diplomat and Minister Counselor in the Senior Foreign Service of the United States.

Prior to his assignment to the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Ambassador Bishop served as the Consul General at the US Embassy Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic. He also served as Principal Officer in Naples, Italy. His previous Foreign Service postings include Hong Kong, Bombay, Rio de Janeiro, and Korea. He began his career as a Consular/Economic officer in Palermo, Italy.

Ambassador Bishop served as Diplomat in Residence at City College New York. After his promotion into the Senior Foreign Service, he participated in the Foreign Service Institute Senior Seminar.

Clyde Bishop received his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Delaware State in 1964. He received a Master of Arts in Sociology from Delaware University in 1972 and was awarded a Doctorate degree from the University of Delaware in Public Policy Analysis in 1976. He is fluent in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. He is a recipient of two Meritorious Honor Awards and a Superior Honor Award.