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Batterman, Stuart, Sergei Chernyak, Erica Gwynn, David Cantonwine, Chunrong Jia, Linda Begnoche, and James P. Hickey. 2007. Trends of brominated diphenyl ethers in fresh and archived Great Lakes fish (1979-2005). Chemosphere 69(3): 444-457.
Contribution # 1446 [Abstract]

Bergstedt, Roger A. and Michael B. Twohey. 2007. Research to support sterile-male-release and genetic alteration techniques for sea lamprey control. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(Special Issue 2): 48-69.
Contribution # 1406 [Abstract]

Boehm, Alexandria B., Richard L. Whitman, Meredith B. Nevers, Deyi Hou, and Stephen B. Weisberg. 2007. Nowcasting recreational water quality. Pages 179-210 in Wymer, Larry J., editor. Statistical Framework for Recreational Water Quality Criteria and Monitoring. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, UK.
Contribution # 1382 [Abstract]

Bronte, Charles R. and Seth A. Moore. 2007. Morphological variation of siscowet lake trout in Lake Superior. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136(2): 509-517.
Contribution # 1407 [Abstract]

Bronte, Charles R., Mark E. Holey, Charles P. Madenjian, Jory L. Jonas, Randall M. Claramunt, Patrick C. McKee, Michael L. Toneys, Mark P. Ebener, Brian Breidert, Guy W. Fleischer, Richard Hess , Archie W. Martell Jr., and Erik J. Olsen. 2007. Relative abundance, site fidelity, and survival of adult lake trout in Lake Michigan from 1999-2001: implications for future restoration strategies. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27(1): 137-155.
Contribution # 1385 [Abstract]

Bunnell, David B., Sara E. Thomas, and Roy A. Stein. 2007. Prey resources before spawning influence gonadal investment of female, but not male, white crappie. Journal of Fish Biology 70(6): 1838-1854.
Contribution # 1397 [Abstract]

Byappanahalli, Muruleedhara N., Richard L. Whitman, Dawn A. Shively, John Ferguson, Satoshi Ishii, and Michael J. Sadowsky. 2007. Population structure of Cladophora-borne Escherichia coli in nearshore water of Lake Michigan. Water Research 41(16): 3649-3654.
Contribution # 1417 [Abstract]

Craig, Jaquelyn M. and Margret A. Chriscinske. 2007. First record of Ithytrichia (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) in Michigan, U.S.A. Entomological News 118(3): 313-314.
Contribution # 1428 [Abstract]

Davis, Bruce M., Jacqueline F. Savino, and Lynn M. Ogilvie. 2007. Diet niches of major forage fish in Lake Michigan. Pages 261-275 in Jankun, Malgorzata, Pawel Brzuzan, Piotr Hliwa, and Miroslaw Luczynski, editors. Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes--2005. Advances in Limnology 60. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany.
Contribution # 1367 [Abstract]

Fielder, David G., Jeffery S. Schaeffer, and Michael V. Thomas. 2007. Environmental and ecological conditions surrounding the production of large year classes of walleye (Sander vitreus) in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(Supplement 1): 118-132.
Contribution # 1400 [Abstract]

Fisher, Timothy G., Walter L. Loope, William Pierce, and Harry M. Jol. 2007. Big lake records preserved in a little lake's sediment: an example from Silver Lake, Michigan, USA. Journal of Paleolimnology 37(3): 365-382.
Contribution # 1337 [Abstract]

French, John R. P. III, Jean V. Adams, Jaquelyn Craig, Richard G. Stickel, S. Jerrine Nichols, and Guy W. Fleischer. 2007. Shell-free biomass and population dynamics of dreissenids in offshore Lake Michigan, 2001-2003. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(3): 536-545.
Contribution # 1425 [Abstract]

Gorman, Owen T. Changes in a population of exotic rainbow smelt in Lake Superior: boom to bust, 1974-2005. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(Supplement 1): 75-90.
Contribution # 1401 [Abstract]

Gorman, Owen T. and Thomas N. Todd. 2007. History of the shortjaw cisco (Coregonus zenithicus) in Lake Superior, 1895-2003. Pages 433-458 in Jankun, Malgorzata, Pawel Brzuzan, Piotr Hliwa, and Miroslaw Luczynski, editors. Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes--2005. Advances in Limnology 60. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany.
Contribution # 1399 [Abstract]

Grundel, Ralph and Noel B. Pavlovic. 2007. Response of bird species densities to habitat structure and fire history along a midwestern open-forest gradient. Condor 109(4): 734-749.
Contribution # 1435 [Abstract]

Grundel, Ralph and Noel B. Pavlovic. 2007. Resource availability, matrix quality, microclimate, and spatial pattern as predictors of patch use by the Karner blue butterfly. Biological Conservation 135(1): 135-144.
Contribution # 1392 [Abstract]

Grundel, Ralph and Noel B. Pavlovic. 2007. Distinctiveness, use, and value of midwestern oak savannas and woodlands as avian habitats. Auk 124(3): 969–985.
Contribution # 1380 [Abstract] [PDF 939 KB]

Hewitt, David A., Debra M. Lambert, John M. Hoenig, Romuald N. Lipcius, David B. Bunnell, and Thomas J. Miller. 2007. Direct and indirect estimates of natural mortality for Chesapeake Bay blue crab. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136(4): 1030-1040.
Contribution # 1416 [Abstract]

Johnson, James H. 2007. Comparative diets of subyearling Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead (O. mykiss) in the Salmon River, New York. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(4): 906-911.
Contribution # 1427 [Abstract]

Johnson, James H. and James E. McKenna Jr. Diel periodicity of drift of larval fishes in tributaries of Lake Ontario. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 22(2): 347-350.
Contribution # 1414 [Abstract]

Johnston, John W., Todd A. Thompson, Douglas A. Wilcox, and Steve J. Baedke. 2007. Geomorphic and sedimentologic evidence for the separation of Lake Superior from Lake Michigan and Huron. Journal of Paleolimnology 37(3): 349-364.
Contribution # 1388 [Abstract]

Krieger, Kenneth A., Michael T. Bur, Jan J. H. Ciborowski, David R. Barton, and Don W. Schloesser. 2007. Distribution and abundance of burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia spp.) in Lake Erie, 1997-2005. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(Supplement 1): 20-33.
Contribution # 1398 [Abstract]

Lantry, Brian F. and Robert O'Gorman. 2007. Drying temperature effects on fish dry mass measurements. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(3): 606-616.
Contribution # 1429 [Abstract]

Lantry, Brian F., Robert O'Gorman, Maureen G. Walsh, John M. Casselman, James A. Hoyle, Michael J. Keir, and Jana R. Lantry. 2007. Reappearance of deepwater sculpin in Lake Ontario: resurgence or last gasp of a doomed population? Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(Supplement 1): 34-45.
Contribution # 1389 [Abstract]

Leicht-Young, Stacey A., Noel B. Pavlovic, Ralph Grundel, and Krystalynn J. Frohnapple. Distinguishing native (Celastrus scandens L.) and invasive (C. orbiculatus Thunb.) bittersweet species using morphological characteristics. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 134(4): 441-450.
Contribution # 1450 [Abstract]

Leicht-Young, Stacey. A., Noel B. Pavlovic, Ralph Grundel and Krystalynn J. Frohnapple. 2007. Distinguishing native (Celastrus scandens) and invasive (C. orbiculatus) bittersweet species using morphological characteristics. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 134(4): 441-450.
Contribution # 1450 [Abstract]

Manny, Bruce A., Gregory W. Kennedy, Jeffrey D. Allen, and John R. P. French III 2007. First evidence of egg deposition by walleye, (Sander vitreus), in the Detroit River. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(2): 512-516.
Contribution # 1418 [Abstract]

Nevers, Meredith B., Richard L. Whitman, Walter E. Frick, and Zhongfu Ge. 2007. Interaction and influence of two creeks on E. coli concentrations of nearby beaches: Exploration of predictability and mechanisms. Journal of Environmental Quality 36(5): 1338-1345.
Contribution # 1421 [Abstract]

Oldenburg, Kurt , Martin A. Stapanian, Phil A. Ryan, and Erling Holm. 2007. Potential strategies for recovery of lake whitefish and lake herring stocks in Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(Supplement 1): 46-58.
Contribution # 1394 [Abstract]

Peller, Julie R., Richard L. Whitman, Scott Griffith, Patricia Harris, Cassie Peller, and Joanne Scalzitti 2007. TiO2 as a photocatalyst for control of the aquatic invasive alga, Cladophora, under natural and artificial light. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 186(2-3): 212-217.
Contribution # 1387 [Abstract]

Ray, Bradley A. , Thomas R. Hrabik, Mark P. Ebener, Owen T. Gorman, Donald R. Schreiner, Stephen T. Schram, Shawn P. Sitar, William P. Mattes, and Charles R. Bronte. 2007. Diet and prey selection by Lake Superior lake trout during spring, 1986-2001. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(1): 104-113.
Contribution # 1409 [Abstract]

Riley, Stephen C., Ji X. He, James E. Johnson, Timothy P. O'Brien, and Jeffrey S. Schaeffer. 2007. Evidence of widespread natural reproduction by lake trout Salvelinus namaycush in the Michigan waters of Lake Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(4): 917-921.
Contribution # 1437 [Abstract]

Roseman, Edward F., Gregory W. Kennedy, James Boase, Bruce A. Manny, Thomas N. Todd, and Wendylee Stott. 2007. Evidence of lake whitefish spawning in the Detroit River: implications for habitat and population recovery. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(2): 397-406.
Contribution # 1415 [Abstract]

Savino, Jacqueline F., Stephen C. Riley, and Melissa J. Holuszko. 2007. Activity, aggression, and habitat use of ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and round goby (Apollonia melanostoma) under laboratory conditions. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(2): 326-334.
Contribution # 1403 [Abstract]

Schaner, Ted, William P. Patterson, Brian F. Lantry, and Robert O'Gorman. 2007. Distinguishing wild vs. stocked lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Ontario: Evidence from carbon and oxygen stable isotope values of otoliths. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(4): 912-916.
Contribution # 1438 [Abstract]

Schloesser, Don W. and Bruce A. Manny. 2007. Restoration of wildcelery, Vallisneria americana Michx., in the lower Detroit River of the Lake Huron-Lake Erie corridor. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(Supplement 1): 8-19.
Contribution # 1413 [Abstract]

Stapanian, Martin A. 2007. Restoration and rehabilitation of native species in the Great Lakes: Overview. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(Supplement 1): 1-7.
Contribution # 1408 [Abstract]

Stapanian, Martin A. and Charles P. Madenjian. 2007. Evidence that lake trout served as a buffer against sea lamprey predation on burbot in Lake Erie. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27(1): 238-245.
Contribution # 1381 [Abstract]

Stapanian, Martin A., Charles P. Madenjian, and Jon Tost. 2007. Regional differences in size-at-age of the recovering burbot (Lota lota) population in Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(Supplement 1): 91-102.
Contribution # 1393 [Abstract]

Stapanian, Martin A., Michael T. Bur, and Jean V. Adams. 2007. Temporal trends of young-of-year fishes in Lake Erie and comparison of diel sampling periods. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 129(1-3): 169-178.
Contribution # 1372 [Abstract]

Stockwell, Jason D., Daniel L. Yule, Thomas R. Hrabik, Jean V. Adams, Owen T. Gorman, and Beth V. Holbrook. 2007. Vertical distribution of fish biomass in Lake Superior: Implications for day bottom trawl surveys. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27(3): 735-749.
Contribution # 1384 [Abstract]

Stott, Wendylee and Thomas N. Todd. 2007. Genetic markers and the coregonid problem. Pages 3-23 in Jankun, Malgorzata, Pawel Brzuzan, Piotr Hliwa, and Miroslaw Luczynski, editors. Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes -- 2005. Advances in Limnology 60. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany.
Contribution # 1364 [Abstract]

Walsh, Maureen G., Dawn E. Dittman, and Robert O'Gorman. 2007. Occurrence and food habits of the round goby in the profundal zone of southwestern Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(1): 83-92.
Contribution # 1391 [Abstract]

Whitman, Richard L., Katarzyna Przybyla-Kelly, Dawn A. Shively, and Muruleedhara N. Byappanahalli. 2007. Incidence of the enterococcal surface protein (esp) gene in human and animal fecal sources. Environmental Science & Technology 41(17): 6090-6095.
Contribution # 1434 [Abstract]

Wilcox, Douglas A. and Yichun Xie. 2007. Predicting wetland plant community responses to proposed water-level-regulation plans for Lake Ontario: GIS-based modeling. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(4): 751-773.
Contribution # 1433 [Abstract]

Wilcox, Douglas A., Todd A. Thompson, Robert K. Booth, and J. R. Nicholas. 2007. Lake-level variability and water availability in the Great Lakes. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1311. 25 pp.
Contribution # 1430 [Abstract] [PDF 10.5MB]

Yule, Daniel L. , Jean V. Adams, Jason D. Stockwell, and Owen T. Gorman. 2007. Using multiple gears to assess acoustic detectability and biomass of fish species in Lake Superior. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27(1): 106-126.
Contribution # 1383 [Abstract]


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