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Found 10 studies with search of: "Strawberry"
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1 Completed The Effect of Strawberries in a Cholesterol-Lowering Dietary Portfolio
Conditions: Hyperlipidemia;   Cardiovascular Diseases;   Hypercholesterolemia
Intervention: Procedure: strawberry dietary intervention
2 Completed GI Interlab 2 Study: Measuring the Glycaemic Index (GI) of Foods
Condition: Healthy
Interventions: Drug: Test Meal: Reference food (glucose or white bread);   Drug: Test Meal: Pirate's Booty;   Drug: Test Meal: Ceaprove wafer;   Drug: Test Meal: Stretch Island Strawberry Fruit Leather
3 Recruiting The Effect of Berries on Lung Cancer Tumors
Condition: Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
Intervention: Dietary Supplement: berries (strawberry, blackberry, black raspberry, blueberry)
4 Not yet recruiting Safety of BB-12 Supplemented Strawberry Yogurt For Healthy Adults on Antibiotics
Condition: Adults on Antibiotics
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (B. lactis) strain BB-12 (BB-12);   Dietary Supplement: Placebo
5 Active, not recruiting The Effect of Fruit and Fruit Juice on Plasma Total Antioxidant Capacity
Condition: Healthy
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: Order 1;   Dietary Supplement: Order 2;   Dietary Supplement: Order 3;   Dietary Supplement: Order 4;   Dietary Supplement: Order 5;   Dietary Supplement: Order 6
6 Active, not recruiting AOM Therapy Trial in Young Children
Condition: Acute Otitis Media
Interventions: Drug: Amoxicillin-clavulanate;   Drug: Placebo
7 Completed A Comparative, Single-Center, Pediatric Taste Test Study of Omnicef Versus Amoxicillin Antibiotic Suspension Medications
Condition: Healthy
Interventions: Drug: cefdinir (Omnicef);   Drug: amoxicillin
8 Completed A Pediatric Taste Test Study of Omnicef Versus Zithromax Antibiotic Suspension Medications
Condition: Healthy
Interventions: Drug: cefdinir (Omnicef);   Drug: azithromycin
9 Completed Pediatric Taste Test Study of Cefdinir (Omnicef) Versus Amoxicillin Antibiotic Suspension Medications
Condition: Healthy
Interventions: Drug: cefdinir (Omnicef);   Drug: amoxicillin
10 Suspended Comparative Study of Epigastric Pain Syndrome and Postprandial Distress Syndrome
Conditions: Functional Dyspepsia;   Epigastric Pain Syndrome;   Post Prandial Distress Syndrome
Intervention: Radiation: gastric scintigraphy

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