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Found 13 studies with search of: "Peppermint"
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1 Completed Effect of Peppermint Water on Breast Crack
Condition: Breast Diseases
Intervention: Drug: peppermint water
2 Completed A Study to Determine the Maintenance of Effect After Long-Term Treatment of Sativex® in Subjects With Neuropathic Pain
Conditions: Pain;   Peripheral Neuropathy
Interventions: Drug: Sativex®;   Drug: Placebo
3 Completed A Study of Sativex® for Pain Relief Due to Diabetic Neuropathy
Conditions: Pain;   Diabetic Neuropathy
Interventions: Drug: Sativex;   Drug: Placebo
4 Completed A Study of Sativex® for Relief of Spasticity in Subjects With Multiple Sclerosis.
Conditions: Spasticity;   Multiple Sclerosis
Interventions: Drug: Sativex®;   Drug: Placebo
5 Completed A Study of Sativex® for Pain Relief of Peripheral Neuropathic Pain, Associated With Allodynia
Conditions: Pain;   Peripheral Neuropathy
Interventions: Drug: Sativex;   Drug: Placebo
6 Completed A Study of Sativex® for Relief of Peripheral Neuropathic Pain Associated With Allodynia.
Conditions: Pain;   Peripheral Neuropathy
Interventions: Drug: Sativex®;   Drug: Placebo
7 Active, not recruiting Evaluate the Maintenance of Effect After Long-Term Treatment With Sativex® in Subjects With Symptoms of Spasticity Due to Multiple Sclerosis
Conditions: Spasticity;   Multiple Sclerosis
Interventions: Drug: Sativex;   Drug: Placebo
8 Active, not recruiting A Study of the Safety and Effectiveness of Sativex®, for the Relief of Symptoms of Spasticity in Subjects With Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Conditions: Spasticity;   Multiple Sclerosis
Interventions: Drug: Sativex®;   Drug: Placebo
9 Completed A Study to Compare the Safety and Tolerability of Sativex® in Patients With Neuropathic Pain.
Conditions: Pain;   Peripheral Neuropathy
Intervention: Drug: Sativex®
10 Recruiting A Randomized Trial of The Effectiveness of Aromatherapy on Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting in Children With Cancer
Conditions: Brain Tumors;   Leukemia;   Sarcomas;   Neuroblastoma;   Lymphoma;   Hodgkins Disease
Interventions: Other: Aromatherapy Scented Wand;   Other: Placebo wand
11 Completed Treatment of Acute Pharyngo-Tonsillitis With Essential Oils of Aromatic Plants
Conditions: Viral Pharyngitis;   Viral Tonsillitis
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: mixture of aromatic essential oils.;   Dietary Supplement: placebo
12 Completed Treatment of Acute Rhino-Sinusitis With Essential Oils of Aromatic Plants
Condition: Rhino-Sinusitis
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: mixture of aromatic essential oils.;   Dietary Supplement: placebo
13 Completed Treatment of Acute Tracheitis and Laryngitis With Essential Oils of Aromatic Plants
Conditions: Viral Laryngitis;   Viral Tracheitis
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: mixture of aromatic essential oils.;   Dietary Supplement: placebo

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