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United States of America

Department of Commerce

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Press Release



Thursday, December 20, 2007


Secretary Gutierrez Statement on the Senate Confirmation of Christopher A. Padilla as Commerce Under Secretary for International Trade

WASHINGTON—Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez today applauded the U.S. Senate for confirming Christopher A. Padilla as Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade.

“I am grateful that the U.S. Senate has confirmed Chris Padilla as Under Secretary for International Trade during this critical time for American competitiveness. America is most successful when we are open, leading and engaged with the world while ensuring our trade partners keep their promises. During his service in government and the private sector, Chris has been intricately involved in nearly every major aspect of international trade, from opening new markets for U.S. exporters to vigorously enforcing our trade laws. I want to thank Chairmen Baucus and Dodd, as well as Ranking Members Grassley and Shelby for their leadership on trade and in supporting Chris Padilla’s nomination.

“New markets create opportunities for American workers and businesses. We have seized these opportunities with American exports at a record $1.4 trillion and growing this year at a double-digit rate for the second year in a row. The best way to maintain that momentum is to move forward with the three pending free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and Korea early in 2008. I look forward to working with Under Secretary Padilla on these important agreements.”

As Under Secretary for International Trade, Padilla leads the International Trade Administration, which participates in the development of U.S. trade policy; identifies and resolves market access and compliance issues; administers U.S. trade laws; and undertakes a range of trade promotion and trade advocacy efforts. The International Trade Administration has more than 2,000 dedicated individuals posted at U.S. embassies and commercial offices around the world.

As Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration, Bureau of Industry and Security, Padilla has been responsible for U.S. export controls on items restricted for national security reasons, and for industry compliance with international treaties governing chemical and biological weapons. Previously he served as Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to the Deputy Secretary of State.

As Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Liaison he played an important outreach role with key stakeholders in the trade community. In particular, his experience in helping to lead the administration's successful effort to pass CAFTA-DR and the Peru Trade Promotion Agreement will help in the push for congressional passage of three pending FTAs: Colombia, Panama and Korea.