Bureau Organization

Nuclear Risk Reduction Center (NRRC)
The U.S. Nuclear Risk Reduction Center operates the United States' communications links used to exchange information with foreign governments in support of arms control treaties and security-building agreements. More

Office of Biological Weapons Affairs (VCI/BW)
The mission of the Office of Biological Weapons Affairs is to provide high-fidelity support for the verification, compliance, and implementation of treaties, agreements, and commitments related to the production, possession, use of biological weapons and the attribution of use in suspicious biological outbreaks throughout the world. More

Office of Chemical and Conventional Weapons Affairs (VCI/CCA)
The Office of Chemical and Conventional Weapons Affairs serves as the lead within the Department for addressing the verification, compliance, and compliance enforcement aspects of existing and prospective arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements and commitments involving chemical and conventional weapons; participating in international negotiations and consultations related to these aspects of such arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements and commitments; and preparing verifiability assessments in these areas of arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements as required under 22 U.S.C. ยง 2577, or by direction. More

Office of Nuclear Affairs (VCI/NA)
The Nuclear Affairs Office is responsible for the development and implementation of policy relating to arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements and commitments in the nuclear area. Verification of and compliance with these agreements is central to the operations of the Office. More

Office of Strategic Issues (VCI/SI)
The Office of Strategic Issues serves as the lead within the Department for addressing the verification, compliance, and implementation aspects of current and prospective arms control and disarmament agreements and commitments involving strategic, intermediate-range, and non-strategic nuclear weapons systems, including related transparency and confidence-building policy. More

Office of Technology and Assessments (VCI/TA)
The Office of Technology and Assessments is responsible for technological and analytical support to the Verification, Compliance, and Implementation Bureau on a broad range of missions associated with verification and compliance issues. More

Office of Verification Operations (VCI/VO)
The Office of Verification Operations provides network and data management support using leading-edge information technology and telecommunications for the three bureaus -- International Security and Nonproliferation, Political-Military Affairs, and Verification, Compliance, and Implementation -- reporting to the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security. More