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Found 15 studies with search of: "Neostigmine"
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1 Not yet recruiting Comparision of Different Dose of Neostigmine at Advanced Decurarization
Condition: Anesthesia
Interventions: Drug: neostigmine;   Drug: neostigmine;   Drug: neostigmine
2 Completed A New Approach of Neostigmine in Unavoidable Post Operative Ileus
Condition: Ileus
Interventions: Drug: Neostigmine;   Drug: Saline
3 Completed Comparison of Rocuronium and Org 25969 With Cisatracurium and Neostigmine (19.4.310)(COMPLETED)
Condition: Anesthesia, General
Interventions: Drug: Sugammadex;   Drug: neostigmine
4 Not yet recruiting Comparison of 2.0 mg/kg Sugammadex and Neostigmine at Reappearance of T2 in Chinese and European Subjects (Study 19.4.324)
Conditions: Anesthesia, General;   Neuromuscular Relaxation
Interventions: Drug: Sugammadex;   Drug: neostigmine
5 Completed Comparison of Org 25969 With Neostigmine as Reversal Agents for Rocuronium or Vecuronium at Reappearance of T2 (19.4.301)(COMPLETED)
Condition: Anesthesia, General
Interventions: Drug: Sugammadex;   Drug: neostigmine
6 Recruiting Sugammadex and Neostigmine at Shallow Neuromuscular Blockade
Condition: Neuromuscular Block
Intervention: Drug: Sugammadex, Neostigmine, Saline
7 Completed Comparison of Sugammadex With Neostigmine Administered at 1-2 PTCs After Administration of Rocuronium or Vecuronium (19.4.302)(COMPLETED)
Condition: Anesthesia, General
Interventions: Drug: sugammadex;   Drug: neostigmine
8 Recruiting Comparison of Sugammadex With Neostigmine During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy or Appendectomy (Study 19.4.318AM2)
Condition: Anesthesia, General
Interventions: Drug: sugammadex (Org 25969);   Drug: neostigmine
9 Recruiting Epidural Neostigmine for Labor Pain
Condition: Labor Pain
Interventions: Drug: Neostigmine;   Drug: Bupivacaine;   Drug: fentanyl
10 Completed Comparison Sugammadex Administered at 1-2 PTCs or Better With Neostigmine Administered as Per Standard of Care to Reverse Rocuronium-Induced Neuromuscular Blockade in Adult Subjects Undergoing Elective Open Abdominal Procedure (19.4.334)(COMPLETED)
Condition: Anesthesia
Interventions: Drug: sugammadex;   Drug: Neostigmine
11 Completed The Early Reversibility of Rocuronium After Different Doses of Neostigmine
Condition: Paralysis
Intervention: Drug: neostigmine
12 Recruiting The Impact of an Epidural Ropivacaine-Neostigmine Injection for Perineal Analgesia at the End of Labor.
Conditions: Pregnancy;   Vaginal Delivery
Intervention: Drug: neostigmine
13 Recruiting Intranasal Administration of Neostigmine and Glycopyrrolate for Bowel Evacuation
Condition: SCI
Interventions: Drug: IN NEO;   Drug: IN NEO;   Drug: IN NEO;   Drug: IN NEO + IN Glycopyrrolate;   Drug: IN Glycopyrrolate + IN NEO
14 Terminated Efficacy and Safety of Bowel Preparations for Colonoscopy in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Condition: Spinal Cord Injury
Intervention: Drug: Neostigmine
15 Completed The Effect of Cycloserine on Smoking Behavior in Nicotine Dependent Smokers
Condition: Smoking
Interventions: Drug: Cycloserine;   Drug: Placebo

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