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Found 7 studies with search of: "N-(2-aminoethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide"
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1 Enrolling by invitation Safety and Immunogenicity of Influenza H9 Vaccine in Humans
Condition: Influenza
Interventions: Biological: H9N2 whole virus vaccine, IM, 1.5microg;   Biological: H9N2 whole virus vaccine, IM, 5microg;   Biological: H9N2 whole virus vaccine vaccine, IM, 15microg;   Biological: H9N2 whole virus vaccine, IM, 45microg;   Biological: H9N2 whole virus vaccine, alum, IM, 1.5microg;   Biological: H9N2 whole virus, alum, IM, 5microg;   Biological: H9N2 vaccine, whole virus, alum, IM, 15 microg;   Biological: H9N2 vaccine, whole virus, alum, IM, 45microg;   Biological: H9N2 virosome vaccine, IM, 1.5microg;   Biological: H9N2 virosomal vaccine, IM, 5microg;   Biological: H9N2 virosomal vaccine, IM, 15microg;   Biological: H9N2 virosomal vaccine, IM, 45microg;   Biological: H9N2 whole virus vaccine, ID, 5microg;   Biological: H9N2 whole virus vaccine, ID, 15microg
2 Completed H9 Priming Study in Healthy Adults
Condition: Influenza
Intervention: Biological: Subvirion inactivated influenza A/H9N2 (G9 variant) vaccine
3 Completed Inactivated Influenza A/H9N2 Vaccine With and Without MF59 Adjuvant in Ambulatory Adults
Condition: Influenza
Interventions: Biological: Influenza A/H9N2 vaccine;   Drug: MF59 adjuvant
4 Recruiting Tumor Detection Using Iodine-131-Labeled Monoclonal Antibody 8H9
Conditions: CNS Cancer;   Neuroblastoma;   Sarcoma
Intervention: Drug: MAB 131-I LABELED 8H9
5 Completed Safety of and Immune Response to a Bird Flu Virus Vaccine (H9N2) in Healthy Adults (Study B)
Conditions: Influenza;   Virus Diseases
Intervention: Biological: H9N2 (6-2) AA ca Reassortant (A/Chicken/Hong Kong/G9/97 x A/Ann Arbor/6/60 ca)
6 Completed Safety of and Immune Response to a Bird Flu Virus Vaccine (H9N2) in Healthy Adults (Study A)
Conditions: Influenza;   Virus Diseases
Intervention: Biological: H9N2 (6-2) AA ca Reassortant (A/chicken/Hong Kong/G9/97 x A/Ann Arbor/6/60 ca)
7 Recruiting Radiolabeled Monoclonal Antibody Therapy in Treating Patients With Refractory, Recurrent, or Advanced CNS or Leptomeningeal Cancer
Conditions: Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors;   Metastatic Cancer;   Neuroblastoma;   Sarcoma
Intervention: Radiation: iodine I 131 monoclonal antibody 8H9

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