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Found 5 studies with search of: "Manganese"
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1 Recruiting Brain Manganese Deposition in High Risk Neonates
Conditions: Necrotizing Enterocolitis;   Digestive System Abnormalities;   Cholestasis
Intervention: Dietary Supplement: remove Mn from PN if evidence of increased brain Mn on MRI
2 Suspended MnSOD (Esophageal Protectant) to Prevent Esophagitis During Radiation/Chemotherapy Treatment for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Condition: Radiation-Induced Esophageal Toxicity
Intervention: Genetic: MnSOD
3 Recruiting Neurodevelopment and Neuroimaging in Parenterally-Fed Infants and Young Children
Conditions: Parenteral Nutrition;   Necrotizing Enterocolitis;   Digestive System Abnormalities;   Cholestasis
Intervention: Dietary Supplement: Remove Mn from PN if evidence of increased brain Mn on MRI
4 Recruiting Safety and Efficacy of SeeMore (TM) in Heart Patients
Condition: Myocardial Infarction
Intervention: Drug: SeeMore(TM)
5 Active, not recruiting The Effectiveness of Micronutrient Supplements on Growth and Educational Achievement of Schoolchildren in Bangladesh
Condition: Micronutrient Deficiencies
Intervention: Dietary Supplement: Multiple micronutrients

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