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Found 30 studies with search of: "Pramlintide"
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1 Completed Effect of Hyperglycemia on Gastric Emptying Interactions With Pramlintide
Condition: Type 1 Diabetes
Interventions: Drug: placebo;   Drug: pramlintide;   Drug: placebo;   Drug: pramlintide
2 Completed An Observational Study Evaluating SYMLIN® (Pramlintide Acetate) Injection Use in Insulin Using Patients With Type 2 and Type 1 Diabetes
Conditions: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus;   Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Intervention: Drug: pramlintide acetate
3 Recruiting Efficacy of Pramlintide on Prevention of Weight Gain Early Onset of Type 1 Diabetes
Condition: Type 1 Diabetes
Interventions: Drug: Glargine;   Drug: Aspart;   Drug: Lispro;   Drug: Pramlintide
4 Completed A Pilot Study of Continuous Subcutaneous Pramlintide Infusion Therapy in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
Condition: IDDM
Intervention: Drug: Continuous Pramlintide infusion
5 Active, not recruiting Extension Study of Protocol DFA102 to Examine the Long-Term Safety, Tolerability, and Effect on Body Weight of Pramlintide Administered in Combination With Metreleptin
Condition: Obesity
Interventions: Drug: Placebo;   Drug: Pramlintide and Metreleptin
6 Active, not recruiting Study to Examine Safety, Tolerability, and Effect on Body Weight of Metreleptin Administered in Conjunction With Pramlintide in Obese and Overweight Subjects
Conditions: Overweight;   Obesity
Interventions: Drug: pramlintide;   Drug: metreleptin;   Drug: pramlintide;   Drug: metreleptin;   Drug: metreleptin;   Drug: placebo 1;   Drug: placebo 1;   Drug: placebo 1;   Drug: placebo 2
7 Completed A Study to Examine the Long Term Effect of Pramlintide on Body Weight and Its Safety and Tolerability in Obese Subjects
Condition: Obesity
Interventions: Drug: pramlintide acetate;   Drug: placebo
8 Completed A Study to Examine the Safety, Tolerability, and Body Weight Effect of Pramlintide Alone and in Combination With Oral Antiobesity Agents in Overweight and Obese Subjects
Conditions: Overweight;   Obesity
Interventions: Drug: pramlintide acetate;   Drug: sibutramine;   Drug: phentermine;   Drug: placebo
9 Completed A Study to Evaluate the Effect on Body Weight of Leptin Administered in Conjunction With Pramlintide in Overweight and Obese Subjects
Conditions: Overweight;   Obesity
Interventions: Drug: pramlintide acetate;   Drug: recombinant-methionyl human leptin;   Drug: placebo
10 Completed Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion of Pramlintide and Insulin
Condition: Type 1 Diabetes
Intervention: Drug: Pramlintide
11 Completed A Study to Evaluate Symlin in Adolescent Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Condition: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Intervention: Drug: pramlintide acetate
12 Recruiting Pramlintide in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes
Condition: Type 1 Diabetes
Intervention: Drug: pramlintide
13 Completed A Study to Characterize Regimens of Basal Insulin Intensified With Either Symlin® or Rapid Acting Insulin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Interventions: Drug: pramlintide acetate;   Drug: rapid acting insulin (Humalog® [insulin lispro], Novolog® [insulin aspart], or Apidra® [insulin glulisine]);   Drug: basal insulin (Lantus® [insulin glargine], or Levemir® [insulin detemir])
14 Completed Study of the Long-Term Safety of Pramlintide in Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Condition: Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
Intervention: Drug: pramlintide acetate
15 Completed An Exploratory Study to Evaluate Various Pharmacodynamic Effects of Subcutaneously Infused or Injected Pramlintide in Obese Subjects
Conditions: Overweight;   Obesity
Intervention: Drug: pramlintide acetate
16 Completed A Study to Examine the Effect of Pramlintide on Body Weight and Its Safety and Tolerability in Obese Subjects
Condition: Obesity
Intervention: Drug: pramlintide acetate
17 Completed Clinical Utility and Safety of Pramlintide in Subjects With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Conditions: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus;   Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Intervention: Drug: pramlintide acetate
18 Not yet recruiting Effects of Pramlintide on Endogenous Production of Very-Low-Density-Lipoprotein (VLDL)-Triglyceride and Glucose in the Post Prandial State in T2DM
Condition: Type 2 Diabetes
Interventions: Drug: Pramlintide acetate;   Drug: Placebo
19 Completed The Effect of Pramlintide on Meal Time Insulin Bolus
Condition: Type 1 Diabetes
Interventions: Drug: pramlintide;   Procedure: continuous glucose monitoring
20 Recruiting Demonstrate the Effects of Pramlintide on Weight Reduction in Schizophrenia
Conditions: Schizophrenia;   Schizoaffective Disorder;   Diabetes;   Weight Gain
Interventions: Drug: Pramlintide;   Drug: Placebo

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