Invasive Species

Invasives Species

Conferences of Interest

  Annual Imported Fire Ant Conference
4/6/2009 - 4/9/2009
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
United States

  Odum Conference 2009
4/30/2009 - 5/1/2009
Rensselaerville, New York
United States

  2009 International Miconia Conference
5/4/2009 - 5/7/2009
Maui, Hawaii
United States

  Pulling it All Together 2009 International Miconia Conference
5/4/2009 - 5/7/2009
Maui, Hawaii
United States

  Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council 2009 Annual Symposium
5/13/2009 - 5/15/2009
Georgetown, South Carolina
United States

  Sustainable Ocean Summit
6/16/2009 - 6/17/2009

  Ecological Society of America 94th Annual Meeting
8/2/2009 - 8/7/2009
Albuquerque, New Mexico
United States

  Society for Ecological Restoration International (SERI) World Conference on Ecological Restoration
8/23/2009 - 8/27/2009
Perth, Western Australia

  Sixth International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions
8/24/2009 - 8/27/2009
Portland, Oregon
United States

  139th American Fisheries Society Meeting
8/30/2009 - 9/3/2009
Nashville, Tennessee
United States

  36th Natural Areas Conference
9/15/2009 - 9/18/2009
Vancouver, Washington
United States

  10th Biennial Conference for Research on the Colorado Plateau
10/5/2009 - 10/8/2009
Flagstaff, Arizona
United States

  International Congress on Biological Invasions ( ICBI )
11/2/2009 - 11/6/2009

  4th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress
11/30/2009 - 12/4/2009
Savannah, Georgia
United States

  National Plant Diagnostic Network Second Annual Meeting
12/6/2009 - 12/10/2009
Miami, Florida
United States

  Island Invasives: Eradication and Management
2/8/2010 - 2/12/2010
Tamaki Campus, University of Auckland, Auckland, 
New Zealand

Celebrating the Past and Looking to the Future

Invasive Species Specialist Group, online at

The National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) and the IUCN Species Survival Commission's Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) are celebrating 5 successful years of partnership, which has lead to some great resources. You can access quadruple the number of invasive species than when the partnership began. A mirror Web site now makes for fast, easy, worldwide access to information on the invasive species problem. New tools let you search for and share invasive species information globally. And the Global Invasive Species Database is now easier to use.


Invasive Species Information Node

Natural ecosystems are under siege by many harmful species of plants, animals and diseases. The impacts of invasive species are second only to habitat destruction as a cause of global biodiversity loss. The current environmental, economic, and health costs of invasive species could exceed $US138 billion per year, more than all other natural disasters combined. Notorious examples include:

Hundreds of new species from other countries are introduced intentionally or accidentally into the US each year. And many species originating in the US have been introduced into other parts of the world. This threat intensifies the need for scientists, managers, and the many stakeholders to rally together to build better systems for invasion prevention, improve early detection of invaders, track established invaders, and coordinate containment, control, and effective habitat restoration.

Viruses and Diseases

Viruses and diseases are some times controversially referred to as invasive species. Sometimes it's the vector or organism that carries and/or spreads the infection that is invasive or simply not native to a region. Click on the links in this sentence for more information about Avian Influenza / Bird Flu, or West Nile Virus.