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Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for Support of Biological and Ecological Assessments

Station name: W14
Location Area: Water Conservation Area 3A

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[ Station Information | Data Links | Datum Information | Ground Elevation/Vegetation | Other Information ]

Station Information
Station Name: W14
Operating Agency: USGS
USGS NWIS ID: 255614080400601
Latitude (DMS) NAD83: 25°56'14"
Longitude (DMS) NAD83: -80°40'06"
UTM Easting Zone 17N (meters NAD83): 533210.16412
UTM Northing Zone 17N (meters NAD83): 2868773.66912
Location Area: Water Conservation Area 3A
Real-time data (daily): Yes


Data Links
(Please note: the links below marked by this icon
will take you off of the EDEN website.)
[Information about these links]
Recent hourly data
Recent daily data
Hindcast data
Station Location Map
Rainfall Data
Evapotranspiration Data
Other Database Links


Datum Information
Vertical Datum for Water Level Data: NAVD88
Vertical Conversion at Gage (ft) (NGVD29 to NAVD88): -1.50
Method Used to Compute NAVD88 vertical datum and Date Computed or Provided by Agency: CORPSCON 6.0 with modified CERP grid, 2009
Why are all gage data not referenced to the same datum?
How do I convert data at a gage from one datum to another?


Ground Elevation and Vegetation Information for W14
[How was this collected?]
Major Vegetation Community
Vegetation Community: Other (mostly wetland shrub and wetland forested)
Average Ground Elevation (ft) NAVD88: 7.22
Maximum Ground Elevation (ft) NAVD88: 7.61
Minimum Ground Elevation (ft) NAVD88: 7.09
Number of Measurements: 7
Collecting Agency and Date: USGS, August 2005
Secondary Vegetation Community
Vegetation Community: Slough or open water
Average Ground Elevation (ft) NAVD88: 6.63
Maximum Ground Elevation (ft) NAVD88: 6.72
Minimum Ground Elevation (ft) NAVD88: 6.52
Number of Measurements: 3
Collecting Agency and Date: USGS, August 2005
Secondary Vegetation Community
Vegetation Community: Ridge or sawgrass and emergent marsh
Average Ground Elevation (ft) NAVD88: 7.64
Maximum Ground Elevation (ft) NAVD88: 7.89
Minimum Ground Elevation (ft) NAVD88: 7.51
Number of Measurements: 3
Collecting Agency and Date: USGS, August 2005


Other Information
Type of Station (Physical Location): Marsh
Type of Station (Freshwater/Tidal): Freshwater
Google Map

Google Map (showing location of gage W14). This map requires enabled JavaScript to view; if you cannot fully access the information on this page, please contact Heather Henkel


Water Levels (Gage)
- Explanation of Terms
- Hindcasted
- Download Station Info
Ground Elevation (DEM)
Water Surfaces
Transect Plotter
Learn About EDEN
EDEN Personnel
Photo of a water level gage

Technical support for this Web site is provided by the U.S. Geological Survey
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Comments and suggestions? Contact: Heather Henkel - Webmaster
Last updated: May 06, 2009 10:58 AM(HSH)