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Chapter 2: Concepts of structural equation modeling in biological research. Bruce H. Pugesek

NOTE: To download files: right click on file and select "save link target as"

Group1 - Waterfowl body condition simulation data

  • DUCK1.eqs - a job file for creating a simulation data set using EQS software.
  • PREDUCK1.JOB - a LISREL8 PRELIS file for converting the EQS data set into a covariance matrix for analysis with LISREL.  NOTE: The RA and OU lines will need to be modified for the correct location on your computer.
  • DU1001.COV - The covariance matrix generated from PREDUCK1
  • DUCK1.JOB and DUCK1B.JOB - LISREL8 job files for analysis of the simulated data set. Duck1 and Duck1b demonstrate nested models. Note that the PM line will need to be modified for the correct location on your computer. 

Group2 - Measurement error model from Table 2.2