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Structural Equation Modeling: Applications in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology

Structural Equation Modeling book coverPugesek, B.H., A. Tomer, and A. von Eye.  2003.  Structural Equation Modeling: Applications in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

NOTE: click on the chapters below to download companion files

Part I. Theory: 

  1. Structural equation modeling: an introduction. Scott L. Hershberger, George A. Marcoulides and Makeba M. Parramore
  2. Concepts of structural equation modeling in biological research. Bruce H. Pugesek
  3. Modeling a complex conceptual theory of population change in the shiras moose: history and recasting as a structural equation model. Bruce H. Pugesek
  4. A short history of structural equation models. Adrian Tomer
  5. Guidelines for the implementation and publication of structural equation models. Adrian Tomer and Bruce H. Pugesek

Part II. Applications: 

  1. Modeling intraindividual variability and change in bio-behavioural developmental processes. Patricia H. Hawley and Todd D. Little
  2. Examining the relationship between environmental variables and ordination axes using latent variables and structural equation modeling. James B. Grace
  3. From biological hypothesis to structural equation models: the imperfection of causal translation. Bill Shipley
  4. Analyzing dynamic systems: a comparison of structural equation modeling and system dynamics modeling. Peter S. Hovmand
  5. Estimating analysis of variance models as structural equation models. Michael J. Rovine and Peter C. M. Molenaar
  6. Comparing groups using structural equations. James B. Grace
  7. Modeling means in latent variable models of natural selection. Bruce H. Pugesek
  8. Modeling manifest variables in longitudinal designs - a two-stage approach. Bret E. Fuller, Alexander von Eye, Phillip K. Wood and Bob Keeland

Part III. Computing: 

  1. A comparison of the SEM software packages: Amos, EQS and LISREL. Alexander von Eye and Bret E. Fuller.