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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Appendix B: Overall Results by Respondent Characteristics

(1) Work Area/Unit

Note 1: Hospitals that did not ask respondents to indicate their work area/unit were excluded from these breakout tables. In addition, respondents who selected "Many different work areas/No specific work area" or "Other" or who did not answer (missing) were not included.

Note 2: The number of hospitals and respondents in each work area/unit is shown. The number of hospitals is based on: (1) hospitals that asked respondents to indicate their work area/unit (not all hospitals asked this question), and (2) whether the hospital had at least one respondent in a particular work area/unit. However, the precise number of hospitals and respondents corresponding to each data cell in the tables will vary because hospitals may have omitted a specific survey item and because of individual nonresponse/missing data.

Table B-1. Composite-Level Average Percent Positive Response by Work Area/Unit
Table B-2. Item-Level Average Percent Positive Response by Work Area/Unit
Table B-3. Average Percent Distribution of Work Area/Unit Patient Safety Grades by Work Area/Unit
Table B-4. Average Percent Distribution of Number of Events Reported in the Past 12 Months by Work Area/Unit
Table B-5. Composite-Level Average Percent Positive Response by Staff Position
Table B-6. Item-Level Average Percent Positive Response by Staff Position
Table B-7. Average Percent Distribution of Work Area/Unit Patient Safety Grades by Staff Position
Table B-8. Average Percent Distribution of Number of Events Reported in the Past 12 Months by Staff Position
Table B-9. Composite-Level Average Percent Positive Response by Interaction With Patients
Table B-10. Item-Level Average Percent Positive Response by Interaction With Patients (Page 1 of 4)
Table B-11. Average Percent Distribution of Work Area/Unit Patient Safety Grades by Interaction With Patients
Table B-12. Average Percent Distribution of Number of Events Reported in the Past 12 Months by Interaction With Patients

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AHRQ  Advancing Excellence in Health Care