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1 Completed Feasibility Study of Take-Home LAAM Medication - 3
Condition: Opioid-Related Disorders
Intervention: Drug: LAAM
2 Completed Cocaine Effects in Humans: Physiology and Behavior - 1
Condition: Cocaine-Related Disorders
Intervention: Drug: Methadone
3 Terminated Vitamin E and C to Slow Progression of Common Carotid Artery Plaque Build-Up
Conditions: Cardiovascular Diseases;   Carotid Artery Diseases;   Intracranial Arteriosclerosis;   Cerebrovascular Disorders;   Heart Diseases;   Vascular Diseases;   Atherosclerosis
Interventions: Drug: Vitamin E;   Drug: Vitamin C
4 Completed Alendronate and/or Parathyroid Hormone for Osteoporosis
Condition: Osteoporosis
Interventions: Drug: Human parathyroid hormone [hPTH-(1-34)];   Drug: alendronate
5 Completed Methadone Effects on Zidovudine (ZDV, AZT) Disposition
Condition: HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Methadone hydrochloride;   Drug: Zidovudine
6 Completed The Effects of Illnesses on HIV Levels in the Body
Condition: HIV Infections
7 Completed A Multi-Center Clinical Trial To Evaluate Azidothymidine (AZT) in the Treatment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection in Patients With AIDS Post First Episode PCP
Condition: HIV Infections
Intervention: Drug: Zidovudine
8 Completed A Study of Atvogen in Healthy Volunteers and HIV-Infected Patients Who Have No Symptoms of Infection
Condition: HIV Infections
Intervention: Drug: Ampligen
9 Completed Physicians' Health Study
Conditions: Cardiovascular Diseases;   Coronary Disease;   Heart Diseases;   Myocardial Ischemia
Interventions: Drug: aspirin;   Drug: carotene
10 Completed A Phase III Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Ganciclovir (Dihydroxypropoxymethyl Guanine [DHPG]) Treatment of Symptomatic Central Nervous System (CNS) Congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infections.
Condition: Cytomegalovirus Infections
Intervention: Drug: ganciclovir
11 Completed Outpatient Evaluation of Patients With Known or Suspected Heart Disease
Condition: Heart Disease
12 Completed A Randomized Study of the Effect of Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Doxorubicin and Ifosfamide With Mesna in the Treatment of High-Grade Adult Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Condition: Sarcoma
Interventions: Drug: doxorubicin;   Drug: ifosfamide;   Drug: mesna
13 Completed Diagnosis and Evaluation of Patients Needing Third Molar (Wisdom Tooth) Extraction and Patients With Chronic Facial Pain
Conditions: Facial Pain;   Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
14 Completed Genetic Factors and Interrelationships for Cancer Risk-Related Behaviors and Complex Traits
Conditions: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome;   Alcoholism;   HIV Infection;   Neoplasm;   Smoking
15 Completed Phase I/II Study of Curdlan Sulfate
Condition: HIV Infections
Intervention: Drug: Curdlan sulfate
16 Completed A Study of 1592U89 in HIV-Infected Adults
Condition: HIV Infections
Intervention: Drug: Abacavir sulfate
17 Completed A Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Valacyclovir Hydrochloride ( 256U87 ) Versus Acyclovir in the Treatment of Recurrent Anogenital Herpes Infections in HIV Infected Patients
Conditions: Herpes Simplex;   HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Valacyclovir hydrochloride;   Drug: Acyclovir
18 Completed A Study of Two Anti-HIV Drug Combinations in HIV-Infected Patients
Condition: HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Indinavir sulfate;   Drug: Delavirdine mesylate;   Drug: Lamivudine;   Drug: Zidovudine
19 Completed A Study of Different Doses of Megestrol Acetate in Patients With AIDS Who Have Anorexia and Malnutrition
Conditions: Anorexia;   Cachexia;   HIV Infections
Intervention: Drug: Megestrol acetate
20 Completed Combination Chemotherapy, Bone Marrow Transplantation, and Peripheral Stem Cell Transplantation in Treating Patients With Ovarian Epithelial Cancer
Conditions: Fallopian Tube Cancer;   Ovarian Cancer;   Peritoneal Cavity Cancer
Interventions: Biological: filgrastim;   Drug: carboplatin;   Drug: cyclophosphamide;   Procedure: autologous bone marrow transplantation;   Procedure: peripheral blood stem cell transplantation

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