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News Release for Immediate Release
January 25, 2007

Mayor Fenty Signs Climate Protection Agreement

(Washington, DC) Mayor Adrian M. Fenty has signed onto the US Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By signing the Climate Protection Agreement, Mayor Fenty has completed yet another one of 200 goals in his 100 Days and Beyond plan.

“My Administration will be a diligent steward of the environment. We will work with all District residents to promote clean and healthy neighborhoods in our nation’s capital by reducing litter, improving air quality, cleaning our rivers, conserving energy and cutting our greenhouse gas emissions,” said Mayor Fenty.

The US Conference of Mayors ratified the Climate Protection Agreement in March 2005 after the federal government failed to adopt the Kyoto Protocol – the international agreement between nations to reduce greenhouse gasses to below 1990 levels by 2012. It is widely accepted within the scientific community that greenhouse gasses are causing the global temperature to rise, and if allowed to continue unchecked, could lead to rising sea levels, increased disease and greater chances of severe drought.

"Mayor Fenty deserves recognition for stepping up to the defining challenge of our time by declaring that Washington, DC, is going to be a clean energy city. By signing this agreement Mayor Fenty joins over 50 million Americans in over 300 cities saying no to global warming and yes to human activities that protect the environment, save money and create jobs," said Chris Weiss Director of DC Citizens United for Climate Protection.

By signing the agreement, Mayor Fenty has committed the District to meeting the Kyoto Protocol goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions include using energy efficient equipment, increasing green spaces and increasing the fuel efficiency of city owned vehicles. Mayor Fenty is the 370th mayor to sign onto the agreement.

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