Today's Highlights

Response to Terrorism

Pakistan's Pres. Zardari & Afghan Pres. Karzai in Islamabad (9/09/08).

Leaders of Afghanistan, Pakistan Meet with Pres. Obama


Addressing the influence of the Taliban and al Qaeda in their countries, Afghan Pres. Hamid Karzai & Pakistani Pres. Asif Ali Zardari meet with Pres. Obama to settle details on a regional security plan.
watch Pres. Obama, at 4:15pm ET
watch Nat' Security Advisor Briefing,, 5pm ET
watch WH Briefing: From Earlier    watch Pres. Karzai Speech: From Earlier   
read Wash. Post: Sec. Clinton Expresses Regrets

In the Senate

Health Policy

Print versus internet discussed at Senate hearing

Print versus internet discussed at Senate hearing


A Senate Commerce Subcmte. holds a hearing to examine the future of journalism and challenges facing the print newspaper industry. Newspapers & online news representatives will testify. Recently, several large city newspapers announced that they will cease print publication and only report stories online.
Sec.  Sebelius Testifies on Health care reform

Sec. Sebelius Testifies on Health care reform


Kathleen Sebelius appeared for the first time as Secretary of Health and Human Services before the House Ways and Means Committee. She discussed the President's agenda for health care reform and talked about the different options that are being discussed in congress.

Recent Programs

CDC Update on H1N1 Flu Outbreak Acting Director of the CDC Dr. Richard Besser conducted a press briefing from CDC Headquarters in Atlanta to provide an update on the H1N1 flu outbreak.
Atlanta, GA : 36 min.
watch CDC H1N1 Flu Update
C-SPAN: 30 Years

This Week on C-SPAN

  • Supreme Court Oral Arguments: Cunningham v. California

  • A&C: Supreme Court Justice David Souter at GWU

  • Q&A: The New Times Op-Ed Columnist Ross Douthat
Washington Journal