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Regional Offices - Oakland

bulletGeneral Information
bulletPrincipal Program Areas

General Information

Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance
Oakland Region
Jackson Center One
1111 Jackson Street
Suite 520
Oakland, CA 94607
Telephone: (510) 817-1477
Fax: (510) 419-0177
States: AS, AZ, CA, CM, GU, HI, NV


Name/Email Title
Patricia S. Port
Regional Environmental Officer
Chip Demarest
NRDAR Regional Coordinator (As of 10/01/08, this position resides in the Department's NRDAR Program Office. Contact information remains the same.)
  • Department of the Interior NRDAR Program Office
  • Trisha Allison O'Brien
    Regional Environmental Assistant
    (located in Portland, OR)
    John Perez
    Regional Environmental Protection Assistant

    Principal Program Areas

    Principal program areas of the Regional Office include:

    National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

    The Office assures compliance with NEPA through review of environmental documents and by providing environmental compliance consultation with bureaus.

    Federal Project Reviews

    The Office manages the Department's technical and policy reviews of the environmental and natural resource aspects of non-Interior projects and proposals through NEPA, FERC, and other environmental reviews in Region IX , excluding Alaska.

    Emergency Response

    The Office coordinates, provides leadership for, and promotes consistency in the Department's responses to incidents affecting natural and cultural resources and historic properties, lands and facilities under the Department's jurisdiction during and following oil discharges, hazardous substance releases, and natural disasters. This includes removals at hazardous materials sites under Superfund in Region IX, excluding Alaska, and representation of the Department on the Regional Response Teams.

    Hazardous Materials Management

    The Office assists headquarters and bureaus in the coordination and oversight of remedial, corrective, and management actions of the Department.

    Staff Support to Secretary

    The Office, through the headquarters office, advises the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, and other top Departmental officials about policies, programs, and individual actions affecting natural resources and environmental quality in Region IX, excluding Alaska.

    Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS)

    The Department of the Interior Office of Environmental Policy & Compliance Region IX (DOI/OEPC-IX) works closely with US Army Corps of Engineers - South Pacific Division (USACE-SPD) and US Environmental Protection Agency in Region 9 (USEPA-9) on Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) issues. Since January 2001, USACE and USEPA have co-chaired the FUDS Workgroup in the states of CA, NV, AZ; DOI is the largest public land holder. As the policy and compliance unit for the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, OEPC's Oakland Regional Office coordinates DOI bureaus' input on Department of Defense cleanup of FUDS to enable future public use.

    Military Buildup on Guam

    The Office works closely with several other federal agencies, through the Federal Regional Council and its Guam Task Force, to understand the unique challenges facing Guam due to the Military Buildup. The Department has a vested stake in this project as there is a wealth of biodiversity surrounding Guam, including a National Park, War in the Pacific, wildlife refuges, endangered species, and several cultural landmarks on the Islands.


    The Office reviews regional ER’s for hydrokinetic projects and is developing an understanding of the challenges and benefits of this growing technology.

    Internship Opportunities

    U.S. Department of the Interior
    Office of Policy Management and Budget
    Last Updated on 04/28/09