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Tampa Bay Study - Digital Library - Results
Title: Wetland Habitat Use by the Nekton Community at Weedon Island County Preserve and Feather Sound: Summary of 2004 Data
Product Type: Document 27 Pages
Description:To assess fish-community response to habitat alteration and provide baseline community conditions from which to plan and assess wetland-restoration projects, we initiated a three-year nekton sampling program in Tampa Bay wetlands. Project objectives were to: 1) characterize the species composition and abundance of the wetland nekton community, 2) assess temporal trends (seasonal and annual) in the utilization of wetland habitats by nekton, and 3) determine the spatial use of natural and altered habitats by nekton.
Contact Info:Carole McIvor (U.S. Geological Survey) Email:
Published Year:2005
Author:Adam B. Brame, Justin M. Krebs, Carole C. McIvor

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science
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