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Found 29 studies with search of: "Adrenoleukodystrophy"
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1 Recruiting A Phase III Trial of Lorenzo's Oil in Adrenomyeloneuropathy
Conditions: Adrenomyeloneuropathy;   Adrenoleukodystrophy
Intervention: Drug: Lorenzo's oil
2 Recruiting Clinical Study and Gene Mutation Analysis of Adrenoleukodystrophy in Taiwanese Children
Condition: Adrenoleukodystrophy
Intervention: Procedure: blood sampling and medical records
3 Completed Randomized Study of Beta Interferon and Thalidomide in Patients With Adrenoleukodystrophy
Condition: Adrenoleukodystrophy
Interventions: Drug: glyceryl trierucate;   Drug: glyceryl trioleate;   Drug: interferon beta;   Drug: thalidomide
4 Recruiting Study of Glyceryl Trierucate and Glyceryl Trioleate (Lorenzo's Oil) Therapy in Male Children With Adrenoleukodystrophy
Condition: Adrenoleukodystrophy
Interventions: Drug: glyceryl trierucate;   Drug: glyceryl trioleate
5 Active, not recruiting Study of Pulmonary Complications in Pediatric Patients With Storage Disorders Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Conditions: I Cell Disease;   Fucosidosis;   Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy;   Adrenoleukodystrophy;   Mannosidosis;   Niemann-Pick Disease;   Pulmonary Complications;   Mucopolysaccharidosis I;   Mucopolysaccharidosis VI;   Metachromatic Leukodystrophy;   Gaucher's Disease;   Wolman Disease
6 Completed Study of Oral Cholic Acid in Patients With Inborn Errors of Bile Acid Synthesis
Conditions: Infantile Refsum's Disease;   Zellweger Syndrome;   Hyperpipecolic Acidemia;   Adrenoleukodystrophy;   Peroxisomal Disorders;   Cholestasis;   Bifunctional Enzyme Deficiency
7 Not yet recruiting Study of Bile Acids in Patients With Peroxisomal Disorders
Conditions: Infantile Refsum's Disease;   Zellweger Syndrome;   Bifunctional Enzyme Deficiency;   Adrenoleukodystrophy
Interventions: Drug: chenodeoxycholic acid;   Drug: cholic acid;   Drug: ursodiol
8 Recruiting HSCT for High Risk Inherited Inborn Errors
Conditions: Adrenoleukodystrophy;   Metachromatic Leukodystrophy;   Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy;   Tay Sachs Disease;   Sandhoffs Disease;   I-Cell Disease;   Sanfillipo;   GM1 Gangliosidosis
Interventions: Drug: Campath;   Drug: Clofarabine;   Procedure: Total body Irradiation;   Drug: Melphalan
9 Completed Stem Cell Transplant for Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Conditions: Adrenoleukodystrophy;   Metachromatic Leukodystrophy;   Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy;   Gaucher's Disease;   Fucosidosis;   Wolman Disease;   Niemann-Pick Disease;   Batten Disease;   GM1 Gangliosidosis;   Tay Sachs Disease;   Sandhoff Disease
Interventions: Procedure: Stem Cell Transplant;   Drug: Busulfan, Cyclophosphamide, ATG
10 Completed Phase III Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Dehydroepiandrosterone Replacement for Primary Adrenal Insufficiency
Condition: Addison's Disease
Intervention: Drug: dehydroepiandrosterone
11 Recruiting Adrenal Function After Living Kidney Donation
Conditions: Addison Disease;   Hypoaldosteronism
Intervention: Procedure: Laparoscopic hand-assisted donor nephrectomy
12 Completed Survey in Patients With Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency in Germany
Conditions: Adrenal Insufficiency;   Addison's Disease
13 Completed The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis as an Effector System in Weight Regulation
Conditions: Obesity;   Addison's Disease
Interventions: Drug: Hydrocortisone;   Dietary Supplement: Isocaloric Diet
14 Completed Six Months DHEA Treatment in Female Adrenal Failure
Condition: Adrenal Insufficiency
Intervention: Drug: dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
15 Not yet recruiting Adrenal Insufficiency in Cirrhotics With Ascites. Effects of Hydrocortisone on Renal and Haemodynamic Function
Condition: Cirrhosis With Ascites
Interventions: Drug: hydrocortisone;   Drug: dextrose solution 5%
16 Completed Adrenal Function in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Lung Cancer
Conditions: Lung Cancer;   Adrenal Insufficiency
17 Recruiting Adrenal Insufficiency in Septic Shock
Conditions: Septic Shock;   Acute Adrenal Insufficiency
Interventions: Drug: Corticosteroid;   Drug: Corticosteroid
18 Completed Dehydroepiandrosterone Substitution in Adolescent and Young Women With Central Adrenal Insufficiency
Condition: Adrenal Insufficiency
Interventions: Drug: Dehydroepiandrosterone;   Drug: placebo
19 Recruiting Determination of Method-Specific Normal Cortisol and Adrenal Hormone Responses to the Short Synacthen Test
Conditions: Healthy;   Adrenal Insufficiency;   Hypopituitarism
Intervention: Drug: Synacthen (Tetracosactrin)
20 Completed Evaluation of Etomidate on Adrenal Function in Trauma Patients
Condition: Adrenal Insufficiency
Interventions: Drug: rapid sequence intubation sedation;   Drug: etomidate and succinylcholine;   Drug: versed and fentanyl;   Drug: succinylcholine

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