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National Wetlands Research Center

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Outreach Strategies

EDUCATION: Teachers' guides; tailored field trips; educational programs; Center tours; career days; Saturday Science Academy; Science by Mail; Science Olympiad

COMMUNITY: Conference room for meetings; speakers' bureau; Environmental Law Institute Conference

SPECIAL EVENTS: Acadiana Migratory Bird Week; Open House; Deep South Writers Conference - Nature Writing Wetlands Month (Nature into Art, Newspapers in Education)

PROGRAMS: Caddo Lake Institute (classroom teaching and demonstration; multimedia development; publications); Earth Stewards, training of teachers, school adoption

EARTH DAY: EarthFest, New Orleans; Earth Day, Baton Rouge (3rd largest in Nation: 85,000); CenLA, Alexandria

EMPLOYMENT: Internships; mentorships; volunteer work

ACADEMIA: Seminar series twice a month; Summer Science Teacher's Institute with University of Southwestern Louisiana; two universities now developing media and technical writing classes with Center

INFORMATION: Library services and special collection for teachers; Publications (e.g., Fragile Fringe, Willful Winds, Restless Ribbons, Web of Life); homepage (

THE ARTS: Technical assistance to choreography for group visiting schools to depict wetlands; maps used for sculpture in Atlanta Airport; students make videos

EXHIBITS: Fragile Fringe with teachers' guide, booklet, handouts

PRESS: Regular contacts; news releases, press conferences; annual Science and the Media

PARTNERSHIPS: Homepage development and serving: Federal and State Task Force, Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act; Society of Wetland Scientists; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Sandhill Crane Refuge; Gulf of Mexico Program (EPA) committees

WORKSHOPS: Spatial analysis workshops for teachers; metadata workshops for various audiences

INREACH: Employee Organization, FOSSCL, sponsors: recycling, parties, flowers, T-shirts and hats, lunches, seminar refreshments, Thanksgiving Day, Halloween Contest

SERVICE: March of Dimes WalkAmerica; Combined Federal Campaign, Blood Drive; Salvation Army Angel Tree

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 12-Aug-2008 16:28:37 EDT