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Found 28 studies with search of: "Vistakon" [Exact]
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1 Completed A Comparison of Two Daily Disposable Contact Lenses.
Conditions: Refractive Error;   Myopia
Interventions: Device: etafilcon A;   Device: narafilcon A
2 Terminated A Comparison of Two Daily Disposable Contact Lenses
Conditions: Refractive Error;   Myopia
Interventions: Device: nelfilcon A;   Device: narafilcon A
3 Completed Clinical Trial of Contact Lenses in Extended Wear
Condition: Astigmatism
Interventions: Device: senofilcon A toric contact lens;   Device: balafilcon A toric contact lens
4 Completed Endothelial Bleb Response With Toric Lenses
Condition: Vision Correction
Interventions: Device: toric contact lenses;   Device: toric contact lenses;   Device: toric contact lenses
5 Completed Evaluation of Orientation and Visual Acuity of Four Toric Soft Contact Lenses When Head is Tilted at 90 Degrees
Condition: Astigmatism
Interventions: Device: senofilcon A toric contact lens;   Device: PureVision Toric;   Device: O2Optix for Astigmatism;   Device: Proclear Toric
6 Completed Evaluation of Two Toric Soft Contact Lenses and a Spherical Soft Contact Lens After Two Weeks of Wear
Condition: Astigmatism
Interventions: Device: senofilcon A toric contact lens;   Device: SofLens toric contact lens
7 Completed A Clinical Comparison of Two Daily Disposable Contact Lenses.
Condition: Myopia
Interventions: Device: etafilcon A;   Device: nelfilcon A
8 Completed In-Office Evaluation of Two Toric Soft Contact Lenses and a Spherical Soft Contact Lens
Condition: Astigmatism
Interventions: Device: senofilcon A toric contact lens;   Device: SofLens toric contact lens;   Device: Acuvue 2
9 Completed Effect of Eye Movement on Toric Lens Orientation and Visual Acuity
Condition: Astigmatism
Interventions: Device: senofilcon A toric contact lens;   Device: PureVision toric contact lens;   Device: Proclear toric contact lens;   Device: O2Optix for Astigmatism contact lens
10 Active, not recruiting Clinical Performance of a New Daily Disposable Contact Lens Worn in a Neophyte Population.
Conditions: Refractive Error;   Myopia
Interventions: Device: spectacles;   Device: narafilcon A
11 Completed Comparison of Three Soft Bifocal Contact Lenses
Condition: Presbyopia
Interventions: Device: balafilcon A;   Device: senofilcon A;   Device: senofilcon A
12 Completed Clinical Performance of a New Daily Disposable Contact Lens Worn in an Established Contact Lens Wearing Population
Conditions: Refractive Error;   Myopia
Interventions: Device: Habitual Contact Lens;   Device: narafilcon A
13 Completed Comparison of Two Soft Bifocal Contact Lenses
Condition: Presbyopia
Interventions: Device: Purevision;   Device: senofilcon A
14 Completed Performance of Three Silicone Hydrogel Torics
Condition: Vision Correction
Interventions: Device: senofilcon A toric;   Device: balafilcon A toric;   Device: lotrafilcon B toric
15 Withheld [Trial of device that is not approved or cleared by the U.S. FDA]
16 Completed A Comparison of Two Contact Lenses
Conditions: Refractive Error;   Myopia
Interventions: Device: senofilcon A;   Device: balafilcon A
17 Completed Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses on Low Astigmatism in Japan
Conditions: Refractive Error;   Myopia;   Astigmatism
Interventions: Device: senofilcon A toric;   Device: senofilcon A sphere
18 Completed A Comparison of Daily Disposable Contact Lenses.
Condition: Myopia
Interventions: Device: nelfilcon A;   Device: narafilcon A
19 Recruiting Clinical Evaluation of the Long‑Term Effects of Contact Lens Care Systems
Condition: Myopia
Interventions: Device: O2Optix contact lens;   Device: Proclear contact lens;   Device: ReNu MultiPlus Multi-Purpose Solution;   Device: Clear Care
20 Withheld [Trial of device that is not approved or cleared by the U.S. FDA]

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