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Found 6 studies with search of: "I-Flow" [Exact]
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1 Recruiting Multicenter Infection Surveillance Study Following Open Heart Surgery
Conditions: Coronary Artery Bypass;   Surgery;   Pneumonia;   Surgical Site Infection
Interventions: Device: ON-Q Painbuster Silver Soaker System;   Drug: Opioid analgesics
2 Active, not recruiting Multicenter Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block Surveillance Study
Condition: Postoperative Pain
Interventions: Device: Ultrasound imaging plus ON-Q Cbloc;   Device: Peripheral nerve stimulator plus ON-Q Cbloc
3 Completed Multicenter Infection Surveillance Study Following Colorectal Procedures
Condition: Surgical Wound Infection
Interventions: Device: Continuous surgical site local anesthetic infusion;   Drug: Patient controlled analgesia
4 Recruiting ON-Q Pump Infusion of Ketorolac and Ropivacaine at the Wound Site for Postoperative Pain Management
Condition: Postoperative Pain
Interventions: Drug: Ketorolac;   Drug: Ketorolac and Ropivacaine
5 Recruiting Extrapleural Intercostal Catheter Vs. Thoracic Epidural for Thoracotomy Pain
Condition: Thoracotomy
Intervention: Procedure: extrapleural intercostal catheter vs. thoracic epidural
6 Completed Pain Management Following TRAM Flap for Breast Reconstruction
Condition: Breast Cancer
Interventions: Drug: Saline;   Drug: Bupivicaine

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