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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Interactive Tool and Software

This tool and software are from Tools for Monitoring the Health Care Safety Net.

Tool for Financial Risk Assessment Worksheet and Required Data
   From: Assessing Safety Net Provider Financial Health: A Simple Measurement Tool

Algorithm for Classifying Emergency Department Utilization
   From: Using Administrative Data to Monitor Access, Identify Disparities, and Assess Performance of the Safety Net

      SAS® Versions 7, 8, and 9 (Zipped File, 24 KB).
      Microsoft® Access Version (Zipped File, 285 KB).
      Instructions for Use of Algorithm (Word® File, 48 KB).
      Technical Assistance: Tod Mijanovich at

Programs for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions
   From: Using Administrative Data to Monitor Access, Identify Disparities, and Assess Performance of the Safety Net

      SPSS® Version (Zipped File, 4 KB).
      SAS® Version (Zipped File, 6 KB).
      Instructions for Use (Word® File, 25KB).
      Technical Assistance: Tod Mijanovich at

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Current as of June 2004

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Internet Citation:

Interactive Tool and Software. Safety Net Monitoring Initiative. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. June 2004.


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