-Text of May 29, 2003, Executive Memorandum

Federal Government Spectrum Task Force

The Executive Memorandum signed by President George W. Bush on May 29, 2003, establishes a Federal Government Spectrum Task Force that is comprised of representatives from the Department of State, Department of the Treasury, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, Department of the Interior, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Transportation, Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Management and Budget, Office of Science Technology and Policy, and OMB's Project SAFECOM. At the invitation of the Chairman, the Federal Communication Commission has also participated in this Task Force. Dr. Samuel Bodman, Deputy Secretary of Commerce, chaired this Task Force until he was sworn in as Deputy Secretary of the Treasury on February 10, 2003.

As directed in the Executive Memorandum, the Department of Commerce is preparing a Report to the President, based on information provided by the Task Force, that includes recommendations for policy reforms relative to Federal agencies’ spectrum uses.


 National Telecommunications & Information Administration,  U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230 - (202) 482-1850