Summer 1999

National Ocean & Atmospheric Administration

Page 5


Sustainable Seas Expeditions

pg. 1

SSE Student Summit

pg. 1

Beach COMBERS Data & Resource Management

pg. 2

Forum: Mariculture in the Sanctuary

pg. 3

New Staff, Departing Staff

pg. 3

Draft Agriculture Plan

pg. 4

Citizen's Watershed Monitoring Network

pg. 4

Foundation Surges Forward

pg. 5

Regional Education Activities

pg. 6

Vessel Management Update

pg. 7

CalTIP Program

pg. 7

Sanctuary Penalty Schedule

pg. 7

SAC and Working Groups

pg. 8

Sanctuary Currents Symposium

pg. 9

Sanctuary Awards

pg. 9

Environmental Heroes

pg. 9

Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary Foundation Surges Forward!
New Director, Educational Project Signal Organizational Growth

In June the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary Foundation welcomed aboard a new Executive Director, Dennis J. Long. This new directorship, a new educational map of the Sanctuary, and a renewed commitment by the Sanctuary Advisory Council to work in conjunction with the Foundation are all cornerstones of an exciting revitalization for the organization.

"The Foundation is the perfect vehicle for the business community and interested individuals to get involved in creating and supporting educational and outreach projects related to the Sanctuary," says Superintendent William J. Douros. "I'm looking forward to working closely with Dennis as we explore the many fundraising and program development opportunities the Foundation affords."

The Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary Foundation is an independent, nonprofit organization established to advance the understanding and protection of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. It focuses on developing and implementing projects that increase the public's information about, and awareness of, the Sanctuary. Its recent projects include "The Grand Canyon of Monterey Bay" poster and a new bathymetric/topographic Sanctuary map (see article, page 6).

"You may think of the Foundation as the entrepreneurial arm of the Sanctuary," explains Dennis Long. "We can serve as a fiscal sponsor for Sanctuary-related projects, develop and distribute products, manage volunteer programs, and administer educational and outreach projects."

New Leadership
Long's background could have been custom-designed for this position. His years as a high tech corporate executive bring general management, sales, marketing, and business development experience to the job. Recently he has combined this acumen with his passion for the marine environment in nonprofit management positions such as the President of the San Mateo Coast Natural History Association Board of Directors. With that group, Long has overseen fundraising, public education, and outreach efforts including the kick-off of a multimillion dollar project to finance and develop a Marine Education Center at Ao Nuevo State Reserve. He has also been a docent at Ao Nuevo for eight years, where he has interpreted the natural history of northern elephant seals to the general public.

The Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary Foundation develops projects that teach the public about the Sanctuary.
Long succeeds Michael DeLapa, who has served as the Foundation's Interim Executive Director since its inception in 1996. DeLapa was instrumental in creating and overseeing the Foundation through its early days and will remain on its Board of Directors. The Sanctuary community is fortunate to have had his involvement over the past several years.

The Foundation is also benefiting from renewed interest and support from around the Sanctuary community. At its recent retreat, the Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC) concluded that making the Foundation a substantial sponsorship, public relations, and educational tool should be its top priority. "We recognize that the Foundation is uniquely positioned to accomplish many goals shared throughout the Sanctuary community," says SAC Chair Dr. Steven Webster. "The Council is committed to being more active in interfacing and creating programs with the Foundation over the next year."

Star-studded event to improve marine water quality

Actor Kevin Costner participated in a Sanctuary-sponsored demonstration of equipment options for separating used oil from the bilgewater of boats this spring. The grant-funded equipment will be in place this summer in the Sanctuary's harbors to reduce discharge of oil to the ocean (see Fall 1998 issue). Costner, who owns one of the equipment companies, here demonstrates his high-pressure sales technique on Susan Pufahl, water quality specialist with the Sanctuary.

Sponsorship Opportunities
The possibilities for sponsorship projects through the Foundation are limitless, and can be tailored to suit the focus and interests of sponsoring businesses and individuals. For example, Robert Lyn Nelson Studios a longtime supporter of the Sanctuary program has recently instituted an opportunity for collectors of Nelson's work to contribute to the National Marine Sanctuary of their choice and receive a free gift. Clients who purchase at full price any limited edition graphic from Robert Lyn Nelson Studios may contribute a minimum of $100 and receive any expanded edition graphic. These editions are currently being sold at retail beginning from $750.

"This is an example of the kind of creative sponsorship that will help build the Foundation into a thriving support mechanism for the Sanctuary," says Long. "By developing a strong community of sponsors, the Foundation can help the Sanctuary expand its outreach efforts dramatically."

For further information on the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary Foundation, to become a sponsor, or to participate in the Robert Lyn Nelson Studios benefit program, call Dennis Long at (831) 644-9600. You may also visit the Foundation web page: <>

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