New York Highlights

+ Events in New York

Top Story
Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre. Photo: Bjørn Sigurdsøn

Norway wins recognition for ban on cluster munitions

1/8/2009 :: Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jonas Gahr Støre, and Ministry official Steffen Kongstad, who led the negotiations on the cluster munitions ban, have been voted persons of the year by the prominent disarmament organisation Arms Control Association (ACA). + More

Nye innreiseregler

Innreisebestemmelser og helsemessige forhold

1/7/2009 :: Forhold angående innreise til USA reguleres og håndheves av amerikanske myndigheter. MERK at fra 12. januar 2009 må reisende til USA som ikke har visum ("visum waiver program") registrere seg på internett før avreise. Dette vil erstatte kortet man nå fyller ut på flyet før landing i USA. Du kan finne mer informasjon fra amerikanske myndigheter ved å følge eksterne lenker til høyre.
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Consulate General San Francisco

Leif Ove Andsnes in concert

1/16/2009 :: Celebrated Norwegian pianist Leif Ove Andsnes performs at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. and the Herbst Theatre in San Francisco in January. + More


Architectural ‘Detour’

1/15/2009 :: Road trips are often considered the best way to explore the scenery in foreign countries. By taking a detour on the road in Norway, you may find some surprising architectural gems. Soon, some of these scenic highlights can be experienced without crossing the Atlantic – when the exhibit Detour opens in Washington, D.C. on January 29, 2009. + More

Gardar Eide Einarsson Exhibition in New York

1/7/2009 :: Team Gallery present a three-person exhibition of new work by Norwegian artist Gardar Eide Einarsson, Davis Rhodes and Stanley Whitney. The exhibition will run from the 8th of January through the 14th of February 2009. + More

News in English [by Aftenposten]
Picture of the day Oslo (Photo: Odd Stiansen /Oslo Promotion)

Oslo (Photo: Odd Stiansen /Oslo Promotion)

Webcam from Oslo - Youngstorget

+ Full list of webcams in Norway

Where is Norway?
Norway - the official site in the United States / Contact the Embassy / Contact information
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