National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Technology Transfer

Single Zymomonas Mobilis Strain for Xylose and Arabinose Fermentation

U.S. Patent 5,843,760

Technology Description

This invention relates to single microorganisms which normally do not ferment pentose sugars which are genetically altered to ferment the pentose sugars, xylose and arabinose, to produce ethanol, and a fermentation process utilizing the same. Examples include Zymomonas mobilis which has been transformed with a combination of E. coli genes for xylose isomerase, xylulokinase, L-arabinose isomerase, L-ribulokinase, L-ribulose 5-phosphate 4-epimerase, transaldolase and transketolase. Expression of added genes are under the control of Z. mobilis promoters. These newly created microorganisms are useful for fermenting glucose, xylose and arabinose, produced by hydrolysis of hemicellulose and cellulose or starch, to produce ethanol.


Yat-Chen Chou; Min Zhang; Mark Finkelstein; Stephen K. Picataggio

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