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Statistical Data - Healthcare Fraud


How to Interpret Criminal Investigation Data

Since actions on a specific investigation may cross fiscal years, the data shown in cases initiated may not always represent the same universe of cases shown in other actions within the same fiscal year.

FY 2008 FY 2007 FY 2006

Investigations Initiated

85 184 123

Prosecution Recommendations

75 127 78


70 103 73


56 68 47

 Incarceration Rate*   

83.9% 91.2% 91.5%

 Avg. Months to Serve

35 42 43

 *Incarceration includes confinement to federal prison, halfway house, home detention, or some combination thereof.
Data Source: Criminal Investigation Management Information System

Table of Contents - Healthcare Fraud Investigations

Criminal Investigation (CI) home page

How to Report Suspected Tax Fraud Activities


Page Last Reviewed or Updated: October 09, 2008