ITA's Performance Measures Glossary of Terms

Home | ITA Strategic Plan | Strategic Goals and Performance Measure Objectives | Performance Measures and Definitions | Performance Management Lifecycle | Performance Measure Pyramid | Measures Owners Contact List

ITA Strategic Plan: defines the direction and outlines the agenda for ITA for a five-year time horizon

ITA Mission: "to create economic opportunity for U.S. workers and firms by promoting international trade, opening foreign markets, ensuring compliance with trade laws and agreements, and supporting U.S. commercial interests at home and abroad"

Strategic Goals: mission- or management-focused priorities for the organization

Performance Objectives: specific outcomes that ITA must achieve in order to succeed in its mission

Performance Measurement: evaluation and comparison of outcomes or outputs (resulting from processes, products, services and capabilities) relative to goals, standards, past results and other organizations

Performance Management Lifecycle: annual series of steps the organization must take to ensure that performance measures are continually planned, defined, operationalized, analyzed and improved

Measure Owner: individual responsible for on-going measure administration and reporting


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