National Wildlife Health Center

...advancing wildlife and ecosystem health for a better tomorrow

Image of Chris Johnson

Christopher J. Johnson

Title: Post-Doctoral Researcher
Phone: 608-270-2361

Education and/or Training

B.S. 1999 University of Wisconsin - Madison Molecular Biology
Ph.D. 2007 University of Wisconsin - Madison Cellular & Molecular Biology

Areas of Specialization and or Research Interests

Molecular Biology
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
Zoonotic Disease
Environmental persistence of disease agents

Current USGS Research and Projects

Environmental persistence of chronic wasting disease agent
Strain-identification assay for chronic wasting disease in cervids

Professional Experience

2007 – Present Post-doctoral researcher, Montana State University, National Wildlife Health Center
2001 – 2007 Graduate Research Assistant, Program in Cellular & Molecular Biology, UW-Madison
1999 – 2001 Research Specialist, UW-Madison Veterinary School

Professional Activities and/or Memberships

Board Member, UW Synchrotron Radiation Center User Advisory Board, 2005 - Stoughton, WI

Honors and/or Awards

Invited Speaker 2005 Synchrotron Radiation Center 38th User's Meeting Stoughton, WI
Invited Speaker 2005 2nd International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium Madison, WI
Graduate Student Mentor Award 2003 UW - Madison Graduate School Madison, WI
Invited Speaker 2000 6th International Endotoxin Society Conference Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

Selected Publications

Hinckley, G.T., Johnson, C.J., Jacobson, K.H., Bartholomay, C., McMahon, K.D., McKenzie, D., Aiken, J.M. and Pedersen, J.A.Persistence of Pathogenic Prion Protein during Simulated Wastewater Treatment Processes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008. In Press.

Johnson, C.J., Pedersen, J.A., Chappell, R.J., McKenzie, D. and Aiken, J.M. Oral Transmissibility of Prion Disease is Enhanced by Binding to Soil Particles. PLoS Pathog. 4, e93. 2007.

Metzler, R.A., Abrecht, M., Olabisi, R.M., Ariosa, D., Johnson, C.J., Frazer, B.H., Coppersmith, S.N. and Gilbert, P.U.P.A. Columnar Nacre Architecture and Possible Formation Mechanism. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 268102. 2007.

Johnson, C.J., Phillips, K.E., Schramm, P.T., McKenzie, D., Aiken, J.M. and Pedersen, J.A. Prions Adhere to Soil Minerals and Remain Infectious. PLoS Pathog. 2, e32. 2006.

Schramm, P.T., Johnson, C.J., McKenzie, D., Aiken, J.M. and Pedersen, J.A. Potential Role of Soil in the Transmission of Prion Disease. Rev. Mineral. Geochem. 64, 135-152.2006.

Hoefert, V.B., Aiken, J.M., McKenzie, D. and Johnson, C.J. Labeling of the Scrapie-associated Prion Protein in vitro and in vivo. Neurosci. Lett. 2-3, 176-180.2004.

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