Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance: Kosovo

Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Fact Sheet
January 20, 2009

U.S. assistance to Kosovo for estimated Fiscal Year 2008 represented in a pie chart. Further description below.
Bar Graph of U.S. assistance to Kosovo from 1998-2007. Further description below.
Kosovo:  Est. FY 2008 USD Thousands
Total Accounts $147,182
Assistance for Eastern Europe and Baltic States (SEED):$146,301
Non-Proliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related Issues (NADR):$500
International Military Education and Training (IMET):$381

For More Information:

SEED Annual Report   


U.S. Embassy 

Flag of Kosovo is blue with six white, five-pointed stars in an arc above a gold-colored silhouette of the country in the center.

Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance*
Fiscal Year (FY) 2007: $77.75 Million (M) ($77.7M SEED, $0.05M Other) FY 2007 Supplemental: $189 SEED
FY 2008: $147.18M ($146.3M SEED, $0.88M Other)**

Assistance Goals: The overall goal for United States assistance to Kosovo is to support Kosovo independence and institutions set out in the United Nations-commissioned “Ahtisaari Plan.” Assistance priorities include establishing a new international civilian presence and a European Security and Defense Policy rule of law mission (EU LEX). Priorities also include helping pay of Kosovo debt and supporting efforts to transfer competencies from UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and EU LEX to the Government of Kosovo.

Areas of Focus (Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance):

Peace and Security (PS): FY2007: $28.26M, FY2007S: $33M, FY2008: $52.636M

  • Advance rule of law and basic security for citizens, mitigate ethnic conflict and build confidence in government institutions
  • Monitor conflict trends, facilitate reconciliation and increase informed debate about the role of minorities in planning for Kosovo’s future
  • Provide technical assistance to basic police services; border security; forensics; police administration management and leadership; academy development and criminal justice coordination

Governing Justly and Democratically (GJD): FY2007: $23.532M, FY2007S: $11M, FY2008: $35.149 M

  • Facilitate the transfer of authority from the UNMIK/EULEX to the Ministry of Justice by building the capacity and efficiency of the justice system
  • Ensure a stable, democratic society through participation for all ethnicities
  • Establish a professional, independent and minority serving media

Investing in People (IIP): FY2007: $2.66M, FY2007S: $0M FY2008: $15.80M

  • Establish quality antenatal services in primary care as well as introduce clinical and process improvements in obstetric and neonatal care
  • Support higher education to strengthen the quality of the workforce, strengthen links between the private sector, government and universities to improve the relevance of education and minority access to skills

Economic Growth (EG): FY2007: $22.89M, FY2007S: $138M, FY2008: $41.216M

  • Strengthen financial capacity for sound economic management
  • Improve the Kosovo Electricity Corporation’s procedures for billings, increase revenues and strengthen internal accounting procedures
  • Establish a legal and regulatory environment conducive to business and investment for a competitive private sector capable of adding jobs

Humanitarian Assistance (HA): FY2007: $0.41M, FY2007S: $7M, FY2008: $1.5M

  • Provide assistance to minority communities and supporting efforts to build homes for displaced Roma and returnees

Recent Successes:

  • Improved higher education by mainstreaming other U.S. training and capacity building efforts into Kosovo’s universities
  • Enterprise development activities exceeded targets during 2007, which created more than 2,000 jobs and increased sales by more than $41M
  • Harmonized basic laws on local governance
  • As a result of assistance, minority communities were further engaged in decision-making and political processes

 *Division J of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Omnibus Appropriations Act: Department of State Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2008, including: (SEED), Child Survival and Health (CSH), Non-proliferation, Anti-terrorism, De-mining and Related programs (NADR), IMET and Foreign Military Financing (FMF)

**Estimate from FY 2009 Congressional Budget Justification; Website:

Graph Explanations:

  • Pie Chart: For estimated Fiscal Year 2008 to Kosovo thirty-six percent of U.S. assistance went Peace and Security (PS), twenty-four percent to Governing Justly and Democratically (GJD), twenty-eight percent to Economic Growth (EG), eleven percent to Investing in People (IIP), and one percent to Humanitarian Assistance (HA)
  • The Bar Graph covers U.S. assistance to Kosovo from 1998-2007:
    • In Fiscal Year 1998: 3.10 Million dollars in Support for Eastern European Democracies (SEED) assistance was given to Kosovo; and no other United States Government (USG) assistance was given
    • Fiscal Year 1999: SEED: 82.62 Million dollars; other USG: 9.90 Million dollars
    • Fiscal Year 2000: SEED: 168.00 Million dollars; other USG: 168.00 Million dollars
    • Fiscal Year 2001: SEED: 79.05 Million dollars; other USG: 70.62 Million dollars
    • Fiscal Year 2002: SEED: 118.00 Million dollars; other USG: 0 dollars
    • Fiscal Year 2003: SEED: 85.00 Million dollars; other USG: 0.04 Million dollars
    • Fiscal Year 2004: SEED: 79.05 Million dollars; other USG: 8.75 Million dollars
    • Fiscal Year 2005: SEED: 79.60 Million dollars; other USG: 1.44 Million dollars
    • Fiscal Year 2006: SEED: 80.47 Million dollars; other USG: 3.22 Million dollars
    • Fiscal Year 2007: SEED: 77.70 Million dollars; other USG: 0.05 Million dollars
    • Fiscal Year 2007 Supplemental: SEED: 189.0 Million dollars; other USG: 0 Million dollars