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Appendix F: List of Excluded Studies

Rejected: Abstract Level
Rejected: Topic
Rejected: Focus
Rejected: Exact Duplicate
Rejected: Duplicate Data
Excluded: At Detailed Review

Rejected: Abstract Level

1. HEDIS outcomes may not be the only ones you need to benchmark. Healthc Benchmarks. 1997 Jun; 4(6):81-3. Rec #: 1338

2. Provider overhauls pathway procedures to improve outcomes analysis, care efficiency. Health Care Cost Reengineering Rep. 1998 Feb; 3(2):25-9. Rec #: 1330

3. Asadi, M. J. and Baltz, W. A. Activity-based costing for clinical paths. An example to improve clinical cost & efficiency. J Soc Health Syst. 1996; 5(2):1-7. Rec #: 1356

4. Berndt, E. R. Health Care Productivity: Comment. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 1997; 0(0):203-15. Rec #: 1468

5. Blank, J. L. T. Public provision and performance: Contributions from efficiency and productivity measurement. With contributions from C. A. Knox Lovell et al. Amsterdam; New York and Oxford: Elsevier Science North-Holland; 2000. xvii, 412. Rec #: 1454

6. Blank, J. L. T.; Eggink, E., and de Graaff, A. I. Een empirisch onderzock naar de productiestructuur van verpleeghuizen in Nederland Zuinig op Zorg; 1996 Sep: 3-5. Rec #: 1620

7. Campari, M. A Competitive Strategy for the Efficient Organization of Out-Patient Services. Hermans, H. E. G. M.; Casparie, A. F., and Paelinck, J. H. P. Aldershot, U.K. and Sydney: Dartmouth; distributed in the U.S. by Ashgate Brookfield Vt.; 1992; pp. 79-85. Rec #: 1495

8. Casale, C.; Labbrozzi, D.; Nicolucci, A.; Carinci, F.; Avanzi, C.; Dell'Aquila, R.; Forcella, M.; Montemurno, C.; Procaccini, D. A.; Ruscitto, F., and et al. Evaluation of the efficiency of a nephrology department by the DRGs and Barber's Nomogram. The role of comorbidity. Contrib Nephrol. 1994; 109:84-9. Rec #: 1387

9. Chatterjee, S. Consolidations, Efficiency, and Quality in Health Care Markets [Ph.D.]: University of Florida; 2003. Rec #: 1015

10. Chilingerian, J. A. Evaluating why some physicians hospital practices are more efficient: taking DEA inside the hospital. Charnes, A.; Cooper, W.; Lewin, A., and Seiford, L. DEA Theory, Methodology and Applications. Boston: Kluwer; 1994. Rec #: 1565

11. Cohen, J. and Ubel, P. Accounting for Fairness and Efficiency in Health Economics. Davis, John B. Advances in Social Economics. London and New York: Routledge; 2001; pp. 94-109. Rec #: 1421

12. Dalkir, S. Competition and Efficiency in the U.S. Managed Healthcare Industry [Ph.D.]: Cornell University; 1995. Rec #: 1496

13. Dash, P. C. and Murty, K. N. Evaluation of Hospital Performance in Andhra Pradesh Using Combined Utilisation and Productivity Analysis. Margin. 2001; 33(2-3):92-119. Rec #: 1427

14. Eggink, E. and Blank, J. L. T. Efficiency of Dutch Nursing Homes: The Sensitivity of DEA Scores to Different Sets of Resource Prices. Blank, Jos L. T.With contributions from C. A. Knox Lovell et al. Amsterdam; New York and Oxford: Elsevier Science North-Holland; 2000; pp. 147-72. Rec #: 1056

15. Fare, R. and et al. Productivity Developments in Swedish Hospitals: A Malmquist Output Index Approach. Charnes, Abraham and et al. Dordrecht; Boston and London: Kluwer Academic; 1994; pp. 253-72. Rec #: 1471

16. Fare, R.; Grosskopf, S.; Lindgren, B., and Roos, P. Productivity developments in Swedish hospitals: A Malmquist output index approach. Discussion Paper No 89-3, Illinois. Southern Illinois University; 1989. Rec #: 1626

17. Fare, R.; Grosskopf, S., and Lovell, C. A. K. The Measurement of Efficiency of Production. Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff; 1985. Rec #: 1625

18. Folland, S.; Goodman, A. C., and Stano, M. The Economics of Health and Health Care. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 2001. Rec #: 1575

19. Frank, R. G. Medical Care Output and Productivity in the Nonprofit Sector: Comment. Cutler, David M. and Berndt, Ernst R. NBER Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press; 2001; pp. 137-40. Rec #: 1042

20. Ganley, A. and Cubbin, J. S. Public Sector Efficiency Measurement: Applications of Data Envelopment Analysis. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1992. Rec #: 1628

21. Grosskopf, S.; Margaritis, D., and Valdmanis, V. Nurse productivity and wages. New Zealand Economic Papers. 1990; 24:73-86. Rec #: 1580

22. Hellman, E. A. Analysis of a home health agency's productivity system. Public Health Nurs. 1991 Dec; 8(4):251-7. Rec #: 1401

23. Lee, W. and Wang, Y. Productivity Growth of Public and Private Medical Centers and Regional Hospitals in Taiwan: Nonparametric Malmquist Index (In Japanese With English summary ). Academia Economic Papers. 1998; 26(3):243-69. Rec #: 1465

24. Lekprichakul, T. Efficiency Measurement of 89 Public Provincial Hospitals in Thailand: Parametric and Non-parametric Estimation Methods [Ph.D.]: University of Hawaii; 2001. Rec #: 1054

25. Lewis, D. The Allocative Efficiency of the Australian Health Care System. Bridges, John Australian Studies in Health Service Administration, no. 89. Sydney: University of New South Wales School of Health Services Management; 2001; pp. 213-23. Rec #: 1047

26. Liang, S. Contract Choice and Physician Productivity [Ph.D.]: University of Washington; 1999. Rec #: 1452

27. Ling, D. Productivity and Competition in Health Care Markets [Ph.D.]: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1999. Rec #: 1462

28. Lo, J. C.; Shih, K. S., and Chen, K. L. Technical efficiency of the general hospitals in Taiwan: An application of DEA. Academia Economic Papers. 1996; 24(3):275-96. Rec #: 1618

29. Mensah, Y. M. Input Substitution and Productive Efficiency: Optimization Behavior in Nonprofit Institutions. Lee, Cheng-Few Greenwich, Conn. and London: JAI Press; 1997; pp. 161-91. Rec #: 1457

30. Mirmirani, S. and Li, H. Health Care Efficiency Measurement: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis. Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali. 1995; 42(3):217-29. Rec #: 1494

31. Mobley, L. R. Multihospital Systems in California: Behavior and Efficiency [Ph.D.]: University of California Santa Barbara; 1990. Rec #: 1517

32. Molinari, N. A. Efficiency Improvements via Monitoring Medical Group Practice [Ph.D.]: Wayne State University; 2001. Rec #: 1053

33. Mourdoukoutas, P. Technical Efficiency and Hospital Costs [Ph.D.]: University of Connecticut; 1994. Rec #: 1503

34. Okoye, I. N. The Effects of Internal Organization Structure and Administrator Education on the Efficiency of United State Short-Term Hospitals: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach [Ph.D.]: Wayne State University; 2003. Rec #: 1033

35. Osterkamp, R. Health-Care Efficiency in OECD Countries. Applied Economics Quarterly. 2004; 50:117-42. Rec #: 1007

36. Overdyk, F. J.; Harvey, S. C.; Fishman, R. L., and Shippey, F. Successful strategies for improving operating room efficiency at academic institutions. Anesth Analg. 1998 Apr; 86(4):896-906. Rec #: 1323

37. Ozcan, Y. A. and Lynch, J. R. Rural Hospital Closures: An Inquiry into Efficiency. Scheffler, Richard M. and Rossiter, Louis F. Greenwich, Conn. and London: JAI Press; 1992; pp. 205-24. Rec #: 1493

38. Pekurinen, M. and et al. Hospital Productivity in Finland: Further Analysis. Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja. 1991; 40(1):50-67. Rec #: 1518

39. Ramanathan, T. V.; Chandra, K. S.; Thupeng, W. M.; Kessler, D., and McClellan, M. A Comparison of the Technical Efficiencies of Health Districts and Hospitals in Botswana. The Effects of Hospital Ownership on Medical Productivity. 2003(8537): 307-20. Rec #: 1039

40. Rattso, J. Productivity and Costs in Public Production of Services. Andersen, Torben M. and Molander, Per Cambridge; New York and Melbourne: Cambridge University Press; 2003; pp. 105-30. Rec #: 1407

41. Rice, T. The Economics of Health Reconsidered. Chicago: Health Administration Press; 2003. Rec #: 1596

42. Rohrer, J. E. and Vaughan, M. Monitoring health care system performance in Iowa. Health Serv Manage Res. 1997 May; 10(2):107-12. Rec #: 1341

43. Roos, P. Measuring output of hospital services. Fox, K. J. Efficiency in the Public Sector. Boston: Kluwer; 2002. Rec #: 1597

44. Shanahan, M. The Allocative Efficiency of the Australian Health Care System: Commentary. Bridges, John Australian Studies in Health Service Administration, no. 89. Sydney: University of New South Wales School of Health Services Management; 2001; pp. 225-26. Rec #: 1046

45. Silkman, R. H. Measuring Efficiency: An Assessment of Data Envelopment Analysis. San Francisco: Jossey Bass; 1986. Rec #: 1630

46. Simoens, S. and Giuffrida, A. The Impact of Physician Payment Methods on Raising the Efficiency of the Healthcare System: An International Comparison. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. 2004; 3(1):39-46. Rec #: 1005

47. Sissouras, A.; Mitropoulos, J., and Gounaris, C. Evaluating the Efficiency of Health Care Units: The Case of the Greek Primary Health Care Centers. Javor, Andras; van Eimeren, Wilhelm, and Duru, Gerard Villeurbanne, France: International Society for System Science in Health Care; 2000; pp. 202-05. Rec #: 1055

48. Smith, P. Developing Composite Indicators for Assessing Health System Efficiency. Smith, Peter Paris and Washington, D.C.: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; 2002; pp. 295-316. Rec #: 1013

49. Soderstrom, N. S. Health Care Production Efficiency under Different Ownership Types: Commentary. Chan, James L. Greenwich, Conn. and London: JAI Press; 1994; pp. 323-28. Rec #: 1476

50. Sommersguter-Reichmann, M. and Parry, I. W. H. Analysing Hospital Productivity Changes Using Non-parametric Approaches On the Efficiency of Public and Private Health Care Systems: An Application to Alternative Health Policies in the United Kingdom. 2003(01/07): 145-60. Rec #: 1041

51. Stepan, A. and Sommersguter-Reichmann, M. New Public Management and Its Excesses: The Financing of Hospitals and Path-Dependent Impacts on Hospital Efficiency: A Case Study for Austria. RISEC: International Review of Economics and Business. 2004; 51(1):143-57. Rec #: 1019

52. Stevens, C. J. Ownership and Inframarginal Rents: The Role and Effect of Input-Supplier Ownership on the Efficiency of Health Maintenance Organizations [Ph.D.]: Washington State University; 2000. Rec #: 1443

53. Stone, G. A. An Efficiency Analysis of Physician Distribution in Michigan Using Data Envelopment Analysis [Ph.D.]: Wayne State University; 1999. Rec #: 1451

54. Su, J. Measuring Efficiency in Hospital Mergers and Access to Health Care [Ph.D.]: University of Kansas; 2000. Rec #: 1453

55. Szczepura, A.; Davies, A.; Fletcher, C. J., and Boussofiane, A. Efficiency and effectiveness in general practice. Journal of Management in Medicine. 1993; 7(5):36-47. Rec #: 1603

56. Thanassoulis, E.; Boussofiane, A., and Dyson, R. A comparison of data envelopment analysis and ration analysis as tools for performance assessment. International Journal of Management Science. 1996; 24(3):229-44. Rec #: 1604

57. Tsaprounis, D. The Administrative Efficiency of Hospitals and the Effect of Electronic Data Interchange: A Critical Evaluation of the Stochastic Frontier and the Data Envelopment Analysis Models to Efficiency Measurement [Ph.D.]: City University of New York; 1997. Rec #: 1466

58. Ventura, J.; Gonzalez, E.; Carcaba, A.; Santerre, R. E., and Vernon, J. A. Efficiency and Program-Contract Bargaining in Spanish Public Hospitals Testing for Ownership Mix Efficiency: The Case of the Nursing Home Industry. 2004(11115): 549-73. Rec #: 1012

59. Wagstaff, A. Quantitative techniques for investigating health service efficiency. Seminar on Economia y Salud del Sistema Sanitario Espanol; Santander, Spain. 1992. Rec #: 1616

60. Wang, J. and Mahmood, A. Efficiency of the NSW Public Acute Hospitals: An Application of the Data Envelopment Analysis. Bridges, John Australian Studies in Health Service Administration, no. 89. Sydney: University of New South Wales School of Health Services Management; 2001; pp. 247-60. Rec #: 1045

61. Wang, J. and Mahmood, A. Relative Efficiency of NSW Public Acute Hospitals: A Stochastic Frontier Cost Function Analysis. Bridges, John Australian Studies in Health Service Administration, no. 89. Sydney: University of New South Wales School of Health Services Management; 2001; pp. 261-79. Rec #: 1044

62. Zweifel, P. Health-Care Efficiency in OECD Countries: Comment. Applied Economics Quarterly. 2004; 50:143-49. Rec #: 1006

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Rejected: Topic

1. Accurate patient costing under PPS ensures margins, improves efficiency. Natl Rep Subacute Care. 2000 Feb 9; 8(3):4-6. Rec #: 1273

2. Measuring PPO performance is an inexact science at best. Data Strateg Benchmarks. 2001 Feb; 5(2):28-30, 17. Rec #: 1237

3. Perspectives. MedPAC: cost-sharing changes could boost Medicare efficiency. Med Health. 2002 Jul 1; 56(24):7-8. Rec #: 1166

4. AHRQ. Declining per-patient costs not just from shorter LOS. Data Strateg Benchmarks. 2000 Oct; 4(10 ):157-60, 145. Rec #: 1248

5. Albertina, M. J. CT: considerations for safety, efficiency and cost containment. Radiol Manage. 2002 Sep-2002 Oct 31; 24(5):10-2. Rec #: 1175

6. Ali, N. A.; Mekhjian, H. S.; Kuehn, P. L.; Bentley, T. D.; Kumar, R.; Ferketich, A. K., and Hoffmann, S. P. Specificity of computerized physician order entry has a significant effect on the efficiency of workflow for critically ill patients. Crit Care Med. 2005 Jan; 33(1):110-4. Rec #: 1108

7. Almanaseer, Y.; Mukherjee, D.; Kline-Rogers, E. M.; Kesterson, S. K.; Sonnad, S. S.; Rogers, B.; Smith, D.; Furney, S.; Ernst, R.; McCort, J., and Eagle, K. A. Implementation of the ACC/AHA guidelines for preoperative cardiac risk assessment in a general medicine preoperative clinic: improving efficiency and preserving outcomes. Cardiology. 2005; 103(1):24-9. Rec #: 1113

8. Anderson, D. G.; Hollander, S. F., and Bastar, P. Customized productivity feedback systems improve nursing performance and reduce costs. Nurs Econ. 1991 Sep-1991 Oct 31; 9(5):367-70. Rec #: 1168

9. Austin, M. T.; Diaz, J. J. Jr; Feurer, I. D.; Miller, R. S.; May, A. K.; Guillamondegui, O. D.; Pinson, C. W., and Morris, J. A. Creating an emergency general surgery service enhances the productivity of trauma surgeons, general surgeons and the hospital. J Trauma. 2005 May; 58(5):906-10. Rec #: 1101

10. Auton, G. M. Using benchmarking techniques to improve efficiency and quality in cardiology services: Part one. J Cardiovasc Manag. 1994 Mar-1994 Apr 30; 5(2):16-8, 20- 1. Rec #: 1384

11. Avery, G. Comparative efficiency of national health systems. Developed countries must pay attention to wider issues in helping developing countries. BMJ. 2002 Jan 5; 324(7328):48; author reply 48-9. Rec #: 1207

12. Banks, D.; Parker, E., and Wendel, J. Strategic Interaction among Hospitals and Nursing Facilities: The Efficiency Effects of Payment Systems and Vertical Integration. Health Economics. 2001; 10(2):119-34. Rec #: 1445

13. Barros, A. The many faces of productivity measurement. MLO Med Lab Obs. 1990 Apr; 22(4):17-8. Rec #: 1126

14. Becker, E. R.; Cohen, D.; Culler, S. D.; Ellis, S.; Green, L. M.; Schnitzler, R. N.; Simon, A., and Weintraub, W. S. Benchmarking cardiac catheterization laboratories: the impact of patient age, gender and risk factors on variable costs, device costs, total time and procedural time in 53 catheterization laboratories. J Invasive Cardiol. 1999 Sep; 11(9):533-42. Rec #: 1275

15. Benedetti, T. J.; Baldwin, L. M.; Andrilla, C. H., and Hart, L. G. The productivity of Washington State's obstetrician-gynecologist workforce: does gender make a difference? Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Mar; 103(3):499-505. Rec #: 1131

16. Benninger, M. S. and Strode, S. R. Model for optimal space and staff efficiency in an otolaryngology clinic. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1998 Oct; 119(4):394-7. Rec #: 1310

17. Bishop, C. E. Efficiency of home care: notes for an economic approach to resource allocation. J Aging Health. 1999 Aug; 11(3):277-98. Rec #: 1287

18. Boggs, K. A. Creating a more efficient physician practice: six steps toward turbocharged practice revenues. J Med Pract Manage. 2002 Jan-2002 Feb 28; 17(4):178-82. Rec #: 1202

19. Bonneux, L. Comparative efficiency of national health systems. To improve health care system's performance, drink red wine. BMJ. 2002 Jan 5; 324(7328):49. Rec #: 1206

20. Bradbury, R. C.; Golec, J. H., and Steen, P. M. Linking health outcomes and resource efficiency for hospitalized patients: do physicians with low mortality and morbidity rates also have low resource expenditures? Health Serv Manage Res. 2000 Feb; 13(1):57-68. Rec #: 1242

21. Bradshaw, G. and Bradshaw, P. L. Competition and efficiency in health care--the case of the British National Health Service. J Nurs Manag. 1994 Jan; 2(1):31-6. Rec #: 1388

22. Brandt, M. D. Measuring and improving performance: a practical approach to implementing a productivity program. J AHIMA. 1994 Jul; 65(7):46-51. Rec #: 1378

23. Brenn, B. R. and Lawless, S. T. A simplified analysis to determine the impact of surgical procedure time on pediatric anesthesia productivity. Health Care Manage Rev. 2004 Oct-2004 Dec 31; 29(4):270-7. Rec #: 1112

24. Capettini, R.; Dittman, D. A., and Morey, R. C. Variation in inefficiency among US hospitals. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. 1985; 4:83-110. Rec #: 1561

25. Cerese, J. Leveraging performance measurement and management: the quality and efficiency edge. Top Health Inf Manage. 2001 Nov; 22(2):73-8. Rec #: 1210

26. Chandra, Amitabh and Staiger, Douglas. Testing a Roy Model with Productivity Spillovers: Evidence from the Treatment of Heart Attacks [Ph.D.]: Texas Tech University National Bureau of Economic Research Inc NBER Working Papers: 10811; 2004 Unlisted; Unlisted. Rec #: 1092

27. Cohen, M. D.; Hawes, D. R.; Hutchins, G. D.; McPhee, W. D.; LaMasters, M. B., and Fallon, R. P. Activity-based cost analysis: a method of analyzing the financial and operating performance of academic radiology departments. Radiology. 2000 Jun; 215(3):708-16. Rec #: 1270

28. Critchley, P.; Jadad, A. R.; Taniguchi, A.; Woods, A.; Stevens, R.; Reyno, L., and Whelan, T. J. Are some palliative care delivery systems more effective and efficient than others? A systematic review of comparative studies. J Palliat Care. 1999 Winter; 15(4):40-7. Rec #: 1278

29. Cromwell, T. J. Productivity presented graphically. Nurs Manage. 1993 Apr; 24(4):73-8. Rec #: 1390

30. Dafny, L. and Gruber, J. Does Public Insurance Improve the Efficiency of Medical Care? Medicaid Expansions and Child Hospitalizations. 2000(7555). Rec #: 1023

31. Dafny, L. and Gruber, J. Public Insurance and Child Hospitalizations: Access and Efficiency Effects. Journal of Public Economics. 2005; 89(1 ):109-29. Rec #: 1515

32. Dexter, F. and Rittenmeyer, H. Measuring productivity of the phase I postanesthesia care unit. J Perianesth Nurs. 1997 Feb; 12(1):7-11. Rec #: 1344

33. Donham, R. T. Defining measurable OR-PR scheduling, efficiency, and utilization data elements: the Association of Anesthesia Clinical Directors procedural times glossary. Int Anesthesiol Clin. 1998 Winter; 36(1):15-29. Rec #: 1322

34. Duggan, M. Does Contracting Out Increase the Efficiency of Government Programs? Evidence from Medicaid HMOs. Journal of Public Economics. 2004; 88(12):2549-72. Rec #: 1016

35. Eappen, S.; Flanagan, H., and Bhattacharyya, N. Introduction of anesthesia resident trainees to the operating room does not lead to changes in anesthesia-controlled times for efficiency measures. Anesthesiology. 2004 Nov; 101(5):1210-4. Rec #: 1114

36. Eggleston, K.; Grossman, J., and Cutler, D. Productivity Research and Healthcare Delivery Innovation. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. 2004; 3(3):133-41. Rec #: 1408

37. Einterz, R. M.; Goss, J. R.; Kelley, S., and Lore, W. Illness and efficiency of health services delivery in a district hospital. East Afr Med J. 1992 May; 69(5):248-53. Rec #: 1395

38. Evans, R. G. Behavioural cost functions for hospitals. Canadian J. Economics. 1971; 4:198-215. Rec #: 1624

39. Fisher, E. S.; Wennberg, D. E.; Stukel, T. A., and Gottlieb, D. J. Variations in the longitudinal efficiency of academic medical centers. Health Aff (Millwood). 2004; Suppl Web Exclusive:VAR19-32. Rec #: 1632

40. Fishman, P. A.; Hornbrook, M. C.; Meenan, R. T., and Goodman, M. J. Opportunities and challenges for measuring cost, quality, and clinical effectiveness in health care. Med Care Res Rev. 2004 Sep; 61(3 Suppl):124S-43S. Rec #: 1070

41. Forsberg, E.; Axelsson, R., and Arnetz, B. Financial incentives in health care. The impact of performance-based reimbursement. Health Policy. 2001 Dec; 58(3):243-62. Rec #: 1214

42. Fox, K. A. Can a hospital be like a supermarket? Better data will provide cost controls, efficiencies, and income streams. J Health Care Finance. 1997 Spring; 23(3):44-8. Rec #: 1343

43. Fox, R. T.; Fox, D. H., and Wells, P. J. Performance of first-line management functions on productivity of hospital unit personnel. J Nurs Adm. 1999 Sep; 29(9):12-8. Rec #: 1291

44. Frech, H. E. III and Mobley, L. R. Efficiency, Growth and Concentration: An Empirical Analysis of Hospital Markets. 1998(98/14): 38. Rec #: 1460

45. Friedman, D. M. and Berger, D. L. Improving team structure and communication: a key to hospital efficiency. Arch Surg. 2004 Nov; 139(11):1194-8. Rec #: 1510

46. Glass, K. P.; Pieper, L. E., and Berlin, M. F. Incentive-based physician compensation models. J Ambul Care Manage. 1999 Jul; 22(3):36-46. Rec #: 1240

47. Goedhuys, J. and Rethans, J. J. On the relationship between the efficiency and the quality of the consultation. A validity study. Fam Pract. 2001 Dec; 18(6):592-6. Rec #: 1211

48. Gosden, T.; Black, M.; Mead, N., and Leese, B. The efficiency of specialist outreach clinics in general practice: is further evaluation needed? J Health Serv Res Policy. 1997 Jul; 2(3):174-9. Rec #: 1337

49. Green, R. Measuring productivity in health care. Qld Nurse. 1995 Jul-1995 Aug 31;14(4):9.Rec #: 1368

50. Gregory, G. D. Using a nursing performance information system. Nurs Manage. 1995 Jul; 26(7):74-7. Rec #: 1366

51. Hadley, J. and Zuckerman, S. The Role of Efficiency Measurement in Hospital Rate Setting. Journal of Health Economics. 1994; 13(3):335-40. Rec #: 1497

52. Hall, D. and Siegel, B. Taking the measure of measures. Quality data initiatives and the challenge of effective and efficient data. J AHIMA. 2005 Feb; 76(2):42-4, 46. Rec #: 1105

53. Harrison, F. G. and Kuhlemeier, K. A. How do skilled nursing rehabilitation managers track efficiency and costs? J Allied Health. 2001 Spring; 30(1):43-7. Rec #: 1235

54. Hendrich, A. L. and Lee, N. Intra-unit patient transports: time, motion, and cost impact on hospital efficiency. Nurs Econ. 2005 Jul-2005 Aug 31; 23(4):157-64, 147. Rec #: 1104

55. Hollingsworth, B.; Maniadakis, N., and Thanassoulis, E. Efficiency. Measured response. Health Serv J. 1999 Nov 25; 109(5682):28-9. Rec #: 1254

56. Huang, I. C. ; Frangakis, C.; Dominici, F.; Diette, G. B., and Wu, A. W. Application of a Propensity Score Approach for Risk Adjustment in Profiling Multiple Physician Groups on Asthma Care. Health Services Research. 2005; 40(1):253-78. Rec #: 1008

57. Huckman, R. S. and Barro, J. Cohort Turnover and Productivity: The July Phenomenon in Teaching Hospitals. 2005(11182). Rec #: 1010

58. Iapichino, G.; Radrizzani, D.; Simini, B.; Rossi, C.; Albicini, M.; Ferla, L.; Colombo, A.; Pezzi, A.; Brazzi, L.; Melotti, R., and Rossi, G. Effectiveness and efficiency of intensive care medicine: variable costs in different diagnosis groups. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2004 Aug; 48(7):820-6. Rec #: 1121

59. Jacobson, J. M. Promoting and measuring productivity in the HMO. Top Health Care Financ. 1992 Winter; 19(2):75-82. Rec #: 1399

60. Jessee, W. F. Administrative complexity in medical practice: its impact on costs, practice operations and patient care. American College of Medical Practice; 2003 Aug 18. Rec #: 1635

61. Johnson, C. M.; Johnson, T., and Zhang, J. Increasing productivity and reducing errors through usability analysis: a case study and recommendations. Proc AMIA Symp. 2000; 394-8. Rec #: 1252

62. Johnston, M. V.; Wood, K. D., and Fiedler, R. Characteristics of effective and efficient rehabilitation programs. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2003 Mar; 84(3):410-8. Rec #: 1511

63. Kahn, J. G.; Kronick, R.; Kreger, M., and Gans, D. N. The cost of health insurance administration in California: estimates for insurers, physicians, and hospitals. Health Aff (Millwood). 2005 Nov-2005 Dec 31; 24(6):1629-39. Rec #: 1634

64. Kanavos, P.; Trueman, P., and Bosilevac, A. Can economic evaluation guidelines improve efficiency in resource allocation? The cases of Portugal, The Netherlands, Finland, and the United Kingdom. Int J Technol Assess Health Care. 2000 Autumn; 16(4):1179-92. Rec #: 1246

65. Kanich, D. G. and Byrd, J. R. How to increase efficiency in the operating room. Surg Clin North Am. 1996 Feb; 76(1):161-73. Rec #: 1354

66. Karpiel, M. S. Using patient classification systems to identify ambulatory care costs. Healthc Financ Manage. 1994 Nov; 48(11):30- 4, 36-7. Rec #: 1376

67. Kearnes, D. R. A productivity tool to evaluate NP practice: monitoring clinical time spent in reimbursable, patient-related activities. Nurse Pract. 1992 Apr; 17(4):50-2, 55. Rec #: 1396

68. Keenan, S. P.; Doig, G. S.; Martin, C. M.; Inman, K. J., and Sibbald, W. J. Assessing the efficiency of the admission process to a critical care unit: does the literature allow the use of benchmarking? Intensive Care Med. 1997 May; 23(5):574-80. Rec #: 1340

69. Kessler, D. P. and McClellan, M. B. How Liability Law Affects Medical Productivity. Journal of Health Economics. 2002; 21(6):931-55. Rec #: 1050

70. Kocakulah, M. C. and Harris, D. Measuring human capital cost through benchmarking in health care environment. J Health Care Finance. 2002 Winter; 29(2):27-37. Rec #: 1172

71. Kole, L. A. Calculating costs for an episode of care. JAAPA. 2002 Nov; 15(11):7. Rec #: 1089

72. Krupinski, E.; Webster, P.; Dolliver, M.; Weinstein, R. S., and Lopez, A. M. Efficiency analysis of a multi-specialty telemedicine service. Telemed J. 1999 Fall; 5(3):265-71.Rec #: 1267

73. Lagasse, P. Jr. Physician productivity measurement, methodology and implementation. J Soc Health Syst. 1996; 5(2):41-9. Rec #: 1355

74. Landry, M. T.; Landry, H. T., and Hebert, W. A tool to measure nurse efficiency and value. Home Healthc Nurse. 2001 Jul; 19(7):445-9. Rec #: 1198

75. Lester, D. K. and Linn, L. S. Variation in hospital charges for total joint arthroplasty: an investigation of physician efficiency. Orthopedics. 2000 Feb; 23(2):137-40. Rec #: 1279

76. Longdon, T. Economy, effectiveness and efficiency in the NHS. Br J Hosp Med. 1995 Sep 6-1995 Sep 19; 54(5):232-4. Rec #: 1361

77. Lossius, H. M.; Langhelle, A.; Pillgram-Larsen, J.; Lossius, T. A.; Soreide, E.; Laake, P., and Steen, P. A. Efficiency of activation of the trauma team in a Norwegian trauma referral centre. Eur J Surg. 2000 Oct; 166(10):760-4. Rec #: 1253

78. Lynk, W. J. The creation of economic efficiencies in hospital mergers. J Health Econ. 1995 Dec; 14(5):507-30. Rec #: 1358

79. Martin, K.; Balding, C., and Sohal, A. Stakeholder perspectives on outpatient services performance: what patients, clinicians and managers want to know. Aust Health Rev. 2003; 26(2):63-72. Rec #: 1120

80. Mason, M. G. Evaluating nursing productivity in the emergency department. Nurs Manage. 1991 Oct; 22(10):120J, 120N, 120P. Rec #: 1402

81. McGhee, S. M.; Leung, G. M., and Hedley, A. J. Efficiency is dependent on the control of supply. Hong Kong Med J. 2001 Jun; 7(2):169-73. Rec #: 1220

82. McKee, M. Measuring the efficiency of health systems. The world health report sets the agenda, but there's still a long way to go. BMJ. 2001 Aug 11; 323(7308):295-6. Rec #: 1223

83. McNeese-Smith, D. K. The influence of manager behavior on nurses' job satisfaction, productivity, and commitment. J Nurs Adm. 1997 Sep; 27(9):47-55. Rec #: 1335

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85. Miller, R. H. and Luft, H. S. HMO plan performance update: an analysis of the literature, 1997-2001. Health Aff (Millwood). 2002 Jul-2002 Aug 31; 21(4):63-86. Rec #: 1190

86. Mira, A. and Lehmann, C. Pre-analytical workflow analysis reveals simple changes and can result in improved hospital efficiency. Clin Leadersh Manag Rev. 2001 Jan-2001 Feb 28; 15(1):23-9. Rec #: 1238

87. Mobley, L. R. Effects of selective contracting on hospital efficiency, costs and accessibility. Health Econ. 1998 May; 7(3):247-61. Rec #: 1321

88. Mobley, L. R. and Magnussen, J. An International Comparison of Hospital Efficiency: Does Institutional Environment Matter? Applied Economics. 1998; 30( 8):1089-1100. Rec #: 1463

89. Morrissey, J. All benchmarked out. Even the top 100 hospitals can't find many more ways to be more productive. Mod Healthc. 1998 Dec 7; 28(49):38-40, 42-4, 46. Rec #: 1300

90. Nash, K. D. and Bramson, J. Economic models to help periodontists evaluate their practices: how to analyze a practice to assess the potential impact of managed care contracts. J Periodontol. 1998 Feb; 69(2):241-53. Rec #: 1324

91. Negrini, D.; Kettle, A.; Sheppard, L.; Mills, G.H., and Edbrooke, D. L. The cost of a hospital ward in Europe: is there a methodology available to accurately measure the costs? J Health Organ Manag. 2004; 18(2-3):195-206. Rec #: 1090

92. Newhouse, J. P. Frontier estimation: how useful a tool for health economics? J Health Econ. 1994 Oct; 13(3):317-22. Rec #: 1536

93. Newhouse, J. P. Reimbursement Under Uncertainty: What To Do If One Cannot Identify An Efficient Hospital. 1994(MR-309-HCFA): 56. Rec #: 1489

94. ---. Reimbursing Health Plans and Health Providers: Efficiency in Production versus Selection. Journal of Economic Literature. 1996; 34(3):1236-63. Rec #: 1487

95. O'Reilly, D.; Parfrey, P. S.; Barrett, B., and McDonald, J. Efficiency of institutional longterm care and annual demands for placement. Healthc Manage Forum. 1998 Fall; 11(3):26- 32. Rec #: 1303

96. Offner, P. J.; Hawkes, A.; Madayag, R.; Seale, F., and Maines, C. General surgery residents improve efficiency but not outcome of trauma care. J Trauma. 2003 Jul; 55(1):14-9. Rec #: 1145

97. Ondategui-Parra, S.; Bhagwat, J. G.; Zou, K. H.; Nathanson, E.; Gill, I. E., and Ros, P. R. Use of productivity and financial indicators for monitoring performance in academic radiology departments: U.S. nationwide survey. Radiology. 2005 Jul; 236(1):214-9. Rec #: 1099

98. Oxley, H. and MacFarlan, M. Health Care Reform: Controlling Spending and Increasing Efficiency. OECD Economic Studies. 1995; 0(24):7-55. Rec #: 1486

99. Page, S. How Physicians' Organizations Compete: Protectionism and Efficiency. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 2004; 29(1):75-105. Rec #: 1413

100. Parente, D. H.; Pinto, M. B., and Barber, J. C. A pre-post comparison of service operational efficiency and patient satisfaction under open access scheduling. Health Care Manage Rev. 2005 Jul-2005 Sep 30; 30(3):220-8. Rec #: 1097

101. Parker, D. and Newbrander, W. Tackling wastage and inefficiency in the health sector. World Health Forum. 1994; 15(2):107-13; discussion 114-31. Rec #: 1386

102. Parkin, D. Comparing Health Service Efficiency across Countries. McGuire, Alistair; Fenn, Paul, and Mayhew, Ken Paperback reprint. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press; 1991; pp. 172-91. Rec #: 1516

103. Parry, I. W. H. On the Efficiency of Public and Private Health Care Systems: An Application to Alternative Health Policies in the United Kingdom. 2001(01/07): 22. Rec #: 1423

104. Pollack, M. M. and Koch, M. A. Association of outcomes with organizational characteristics of neonatal intensive care units. Crit Care Med. 2003 Jun; 31(6):1620-9. Rec #: 1147

105. Porter, H. B. The effect of ambulatory oncology nursing practice models on health resource utilization. Part 2, Different practice models--different use of health resources? J Nurs Adm. 1995 Feb; 25(2):15-22. Rec #: 1372

106. Preston, S. H. How does your productivity measure up? Med Econ. 1999 Nov 22; 76(22):54-60. Rec #: 1274

107. Provenzale, D.; Ofman, J.; Gralnek, I.; Rabeneck, L.; Koff, R., and McCrory, D. Gastroenterologist specialist care and care provided by generalists--an evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003 Jan; 98(1):21-8. Rec #: 1087

108. Randolph, A. G. and Pronovost, P. Reorganizing the delivery of intensive care could improve efficiency and save lives. J Eval Clin Pract. 2002 Feb; 8(1):1-8. Rec #: 1200

109. Ravallion, M. On Measuring Aggregate "Social Efficiency ". Economic Development and Cultural Change. 2005; 53( 2):273-92. Rec #: 1513

110. Redfern, J. and Bowling, A. Efficiency of care at the primary-secondary interface: variations with GP fundholding. Health Place. 2000 Mar; 6(1):15-23. Rec #: 1280

111. Regan, G. Making a difference to A&E: analysis of the operational inefficiencies in A&E departments in major acute hospitals in Dublin. Accid Emerg Nurs. 2000 Jan; 8(1):54-61. Rec #: 1249

112. Reiner, B. I.; Siegel, E. L.; Hooper, F. J.; Pomerantz, S.; Dahlke, A., and Rallis, D. Radiologists' productivity in the interpretation of CT scans: a comparison of PACS with conventional film. AJR Am J Roentgenol.2001 Apr; 176(4):861-4. Rec #: 1236

113. Renouf, J. Balancing health care efficiency and cost. Can Fam Physician. 1995 Jul; 41:1158. Rec #: 1365

114. Rogut, L. Reshaping inpatient care: efficiency and quality in New York City hospitals. Pap Ser United Hosp Fund N.Y. 1996 Nov; 1-41. Rec #: 1348

115. Roos, N. P. and Brownell, M. Introducing data into the health policy process: developing a report on the efficiency of bed use in Manitoba. Healthc Manage Forum. 1994 Summer; 7(2):46-50. Rec #: 1371

116. Rosen, A. K.; Loveland, S. A.; Rakovski, C.C.; Christiansen, C. L., and Berlowitz, D. R. Do different case-mix measures affect assessments of provider efficiency? Lessons from the Department of Veterans Affairs. J Ambul Care Manage. 2003 Jul-2003 Sep 30; 26(3):229-42. Rec #: 1081

117. Rosen, A. K.; Rakovski, C. C.; Loveland, S.A.; Anderson, J. J., and Berlowitz, D. R. Profiling resource use: do different outcomes affect assessments of provider efficiency? Am J Manag Care. 2002 Dec; 8(12):1105-15. Rec #: 1167

118. Rosko, M. D. Hospital Cost Efficiency. Inquiry. 2003; 40(3):310-11. Rec #: 1030

119. Rudkin, G. E.; Bacon, A. K.; Burrow, B.; Chapman, M. H.; Claxton, M.; Donovan, B.; Gibb, D., and Weber, L. S. Review of efficiencies and patient satisfaction in Australian and New Zealand day surgery units: a pilot study. Anaesth Intensive Care. 1996 Feb; 24(1):74-8. Rec #: 1353

120. Santerre, R. E. and Vernon, J. A. Hospital Ownership Mix Efficiency in the US: An Exploratory Study. 2005(11192). Rec #: 1512

121. Santerre, R. E. and Vernon, J. A. Testing for Ownership Mix Efficiency: The Case of the Nursing Home Industry. 2005(11115). Rec #: 1514

122. Schreck, T. J. Measuring productivity in outpatient addiction counseling. J Healthc Qual. 1999 Jul-1999 Aug 31; 21(4):34-7. Rec #: 1288

123. Schroeder, R. E. Improving productivity in academic group practice. Med Group Manage J. 1995 May-1995 Jun 30; 42(3):72, 74, 76 passim. Rec #: 1369

124. Schwartz, W. B. and Mendelson, D. N. Eliminating waste and inefficiency can do little to contain costs. Health Aff (Millwood). 1994 Spring; 13(1):224-38. Rec #: 1385

125. Segal, L. and Richardson, J. Economic Framework for Allocative Efficiency in the Health Sector. Australian Economic Review. 1994; 0(106):89-98. Rec #: 1502

126. Segall, M. Comparative efficiency of national health systems. Methodological problems were understated. BMJ. 2002 Jan 5; 324(7328):48-9. Rec #: 1208

127. Severens, J. L. Value for money of changing healthcare services? Economic evaluation of quality improvement. Qual Saf Health Care. 2003 Oct; 12(5):366-71. Rec #: 1079

128. Shukla, R. K. Effect of an admission monitoring and scheduling system on productivity and employee satisfaction. Hosp Health Serv Adm. 1990 Fall; 35(3):429-41. Rec #: 1302

129. Silva, N. and Aderholdt, B. Monitoring nursing productivity: a unique approach integrating an on-line kardex with workload measurement. Comput Nurs. 1992 Nov-1992 Dec 31; 10(6):232-4. Rec #: 1393

130. Sinreich, D. and Marmor, Y. Ways to reduce patient turnaround time and improve service quality in emergency departments. J Health Organ Manag. 2005; 19(2):88-105. Rec #: 1095

131. Solomon, A. and Martino, S. Relative value units: practical productivity measurement. Radiol Manage. 1991 Winter; 13(1):33-7. Rec #: 1400

132. Sullivan, K. On the 'efficiency' of managed care plans. Health Aff (Millwood). 2000 Jul-2000 Aug 31; 19(4):139-48. Rec #: 1265

133. Tait, N. and Thurston, N. PACS--a system for measuring patient activity and costs. AARN News Lett. 1995 Dec; 51(11):11. Rec #: 1357

134. Tavakoli, M.; Davies, H. T. O., and Malek, M. Modelling Production and Cost Efficiency within Health Care Systems. Health Care Management Science. 1999; 2(2):i-iii. Rec #: 1450

135. Thalman, J. J. and Ford, R. M. Labor and productivity measures. Respir Care Clin N Am. 2004 Jun; 10(2):211-21. Rec #: 1125

136. Thomas, J. W.; Grazier, K. L., and Ward, K. Comparing accuracy of risk-adjustment methodologies used in economic profiling of physicians. Inquiry. 2004 Summer; 41(2):218-31. Rec #: 1091

137. Upenieks, V. V. Work sampling. Assessing nursing efficiency. Nurs Manage. 1998 Apr; 29(4):27-9. Rec #: 1315

138. Wade, J. C. and Zechman, D. M. Enterprisewide patient monitoring improves care efficiency and lowers costs. J Med Pract Manage. 2001 Jul-2001 Aug 31; 17(1):44-8. Rec #: 1218

139. Weisbrod, B. A. Productivity and Incentives in the Medical Care Sector. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 1992; 94( 0):S131-45. Rec #: 1506

140. Widjaja, L. S.; Chan, B. P.; Chen, H.; Ong, B. K., and Pang, Y. T. Variance analysis applied to a stroke pathway: how this can improve efficiency of healthcare delivery. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2002 Jul; 31(4):425-30. Rec #: 1184

141. Wilton, P. and Smith, R. D. Devolved Budgetary Responsibility in Primary Care: A Cross-Country Assessment of the Impact on Efficiency. European Journal of Health Economics. 2002; 3(1):17-25. Rec #: 1004

142. World Health Organization (WHO). Report of the scientific peer review group on health systems performance assessment [Web Page]. Accessed 2001 - no longer available. Rec #: 1609

143. Worthington, A. C. Frontier efficiency measurement in health care: a review of empirical techniques and selected applications. Med Care Res Rev. 2004 Jun; 61(2):135-70. Rec #: 1073

144. Zamir, S. and Rex, D. K. An initial investigation of efficiency in endoscopy delivery. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002 Aug; 97(8):1968-72. Rec #: 1183

145. Zarling, E. J.; Piontek, F. A.; Kohli, R., and Carrier, J. The cost and efficiency of hospital care provided by primary care physicians and medical subspecialists. Am J Med Qual. 1999 Sep-1999 Oct 31; 14(5):197-201. Rec #: 1290

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