Podcasts offers original podcasts for the military community. Whether you’re on active duty, a veteran, a spouse or family member, or just someone who’s interested in the military, you’ll find a podcast here that’s a “must listen.” Listen now, download for later, or subscribe via iTunes.

Joe Sestak Talks Current Military Events


Podcast_Sestak2 Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA) stops by the Editor's Desk to talk current military events and get the word out about his veterans forum.

See more about the veterans forum here:

Stephen Colbert Headed for an "Undisclosed Location"


Podcast_Colbert Stephen Colbert, the host of "The Colbert Report" on Comedy Central, talks to Ward about his upcoming trip to Iraq, er, an "undisclosed location somewhere near the Persian Gulf" where he intends to broadcast his show for four, er, several days. Stephen also talks about the Donors Choose charity and how he hopes to use it to help military dependents.

And find out more about "The Colbert Report" and Donors Choose here.

Military Spouse Tara Crooks Discusses Retaining Reserve Soldiers' Civilian Jobs


COIN Expert John Nagl Talks Afghanistan


Podcast_Nagl This week John Nagl, the President for the Center for New American Security and one of the nation's leading experts on counterinsurgency, talks to Ward about President Obama's new Afghanistan strategy and how long it's going to take to get out of Iraq.

Tara Crooks Interviews US ARMY Maj. General Craig Whelden (ret) About the Community Covenant


Tara Crooks Interviews Founder Melanie Jones


Interview with Queensryche's Geoff Tate


Podcast_Queensryche This week's show is an exclusive sit down between Ward and Geoff Tate, Queensryche's lead singer and the brains behind the band's new album "American Soldier."  Geoff talks about what motivated him to write the album, what he learned about Soldiers along the way, and the state of the music industry.

Read Geoff's op-ed thanking the Soldiers here.

Watch the world premiere video for "If I Were King" here.

War vets:  Leave Queensryche a message about your own war experiences at (206) 260-1215.  Find out more about "American Soldier" and the upcoming tour here.

Pre-order "American Soldier" here.

Taxing Vets and Obama's First Report Card


Podcast_Trek-_Roundtable Ward convenes the Editor's Roundtable with IAVA's Paul Rieckhoff and The Unforgiving Minute author Craig Mullaney to talk about meeting with President Obama in the White House and the state of the wars.

Tara Crooks Interviews Fellow Military Spouse and Author Carol McGlothlin Job Fairs are Underway


This week Ward talks to employers at the first job fair of the season. Ward also catches up with's director of community outreach, Vince Patton to talk about the job market and how these job fairs can help match employers and seekers.

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