Pdrt if a letter from Dr.0,T.Aver-y to his brother Roy O,Avery, dated Ray 13,1943, just after hi8 retirement from the Rockefeller Institute, when he wae oonaide$ng moviiig to Naehtille, Tenneesee. I I %oth Dr. Qae&r and Dr, RQere have been pery kind and have insisted on ti staying onI protidfng me an &pls budget and technical a.e&tant to carry on the problmx that I have .been studfing. I have not &ublished mythIng about it indeed bare diecuamd it only with a few because I aru not yet convimed that. we have - - mffit+nt evidenue as yet, It ir the problea of ths'tr&fomation of pmMooooaX~&pe% You will meal1 that Orffflth in London, some fifteen year! ago daecribed a teohnique whereby br oould uhango one specific type ink another epsoifls type $mugh the Intermediate R iona, For sxamplsr Zypb U-7 R+ Zype III. Thlo he aowmpliahed by-itijao- ting micro with a large mount of heat killed 2!ype -III cells together `with a small - . . iaocs~lunr of a liting-R culture derived from Zype II.. @e not& that not infrequently the mice 90 treated died and from their heart blood he recovered liv%ng 18neapuulated Typo III pneuIBowO~i. Thie he oould accomplish only by the uea of mioe, 89, failed to obtain transformation when the same baoterial mixture rag imubated in broth; Qzifflths original observatione dere repeated and wnfirmed both in our leberatory md ea of dboxyrlher nuclafu ahi hnve been found to deetmy the aativlty of o~&mabet&cel - Indirect epidence but suggmtivq.thrat the trensJro"nning prino&pla a6 keoleted may belong tq this alaee of chemical eubet$noe. We hare. _. -. - ii5olatxi~ighly purified. esbetmoe of which ae little aaS&.:~erf 8 mie active la bduosag tr8nsformat10a, In the r6aotioa mixture !,$ulture, nod rwreeente I' d$lution ,df one part ia a hundred tillion - poteqt et&f ?Ji hi@la epsciflu. Thfe bes not leave much room for fmpuritiee but the &.dencre 1% ---not good fBxJu& pet, _ `. Zn~dilutions`of on% to a thousand the eubetanae ie hi&ly'vIemuo ae are- au42mntIa preparatione of deeoxyrIboee neuolelc-aoid derived from fish epem. ~- Prel~ utudiee wI# the ultm~ti&ftige Indicate a molecular w'eight of appz- oxi.rfmtttly fjoo,ooo- - a &$lp pwlymerieed eub@anue. We ure nor `planting to prepare new bktches end get hdhsr evidence of purity and bmo&m$ity by me of th~ultriOent#`ttge and electrbph@@.e. Thie. will keep me here for awhile longer If'things go well I hope to 'go up to Deer Iele rest awhile WW~-Q-.C~~PC) beck refreehed and try to pick up loosti.ende in the problem ~d.writeupthenork. " . . . ..- . If we 433 rightcend of aourefi that Is not.+ *ro?m, t&xi it metie that :. WneucleIc:acIde ate not rn%r%ly etmctially Important bet @nctIonally aotive- eubefsncee In detctining the bi~chem$cal aotititiee and epepific chafaccferI&ue of oslle end that by ~eene of-a &WTX ch&ical aubstezme It i%,poseIble ta induce predictable end heredit&q changes in cells, Thie la somethJ.ng that has long been the dream of genetic,ietq. The mutotione they induced by ex&ay and ultra-violet are alwnye unpredictable, &n&m, mid chance changee If we prore to bi righ+and ?a big ti - then it mane that both the chemical natire of the us i's known end the ahezlical. structure of the; mbetanoe produced the form be3mg thyxuze rnmlecic acid, the latter Fgp% III @lyeac~- charideo and both are-~urzk5~lIa&tti In the daughter celle and after , Innumetible tr&efere d&out Azrther addition of the Inducfpg agent the We active end epecIfIc baneforming sub~.ance can be r&cdoered far In-exoees of the mount origInally ueed to, Induce th'e reaction. Soundo like + *Irue - may be a gene*. &at with mechanism I 801 not now COncerned. One step .at a time and the flret. stap is what is the chmtical ?S&W% of the jWan%formin~ prInci$le 7 &m% one else can work--out--thereef$f coaxrae the problem bflstl6ti tit?--implIaation%r ft touche~A~Iochceni%try of the th)mnte type of mu&lecIc acids a&ich are `known to condtitute the major part of chromouxnes but have been thought to be alike regard- less of brigin end epeciea. .Imn end uarboh@rete Bgn It touches genetics, enqm%)hamfat~,'cell metiB!ol- 8010. But to-day it takee a lot of vellTdo~~e&d evidence to convince anyo e that the sodIm ealt.of deao~~~oa%.-~c2e~~c~I~~ protein free, could poeeibly be endowed with m.mh biological3.y active'and eP%cifio propotiee end that in the widenco we %r% now' trying to get. It ie ldte of fun to T blow bubblee but it is wiser IXJ prick than your%& before aone one elee trI%e ho' :<:; * . . \ . . .