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Army Recalls Some Combat Helmets

Army Recalls Some Combat HelmetsThe Army has issued a recall of more than 30,000 helmets -- not because the helmet shells are flawed, but because it found that four screws that attach the chinstrap and related parts didn't meet Army specs.

Army Says it Confiscated Afghan Bibles

The U.S. military has confiscated Bibles that Christian U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan had apparently intended to give to local Muslims, a military spokesman has said.

NCO Declared Missing in Afghanistan

A 27-year-old Army sergeant was reported missing in Afghanistan after an insurgent attack killed two other troops in his unit late last week, the Department of Defense announced Monday.

Therapists Offer Soldiers Free Help

Service members contact Trisha Pearce in need of counseling. Spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, relatives are welcome to get in touch with her, too. They may feel burnt out and worn down by the experience of fighting a war -- or of loving someone who has.

GIs Gain Confidence in Protective Gear

GIs Gain Confidence in Protective GearTwo deafening booms followed bright, orange flashes. The Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected vehicle shook violently. Smoke engulfed the vehicle inside and out. The engineers traveling inside the MRAP in western Baghdad, April 25, knew they had just been attacked with two RKG-3 anti-tank grenades, but that wasn't all they knew.

GIs Told to Bring Afghans to Jesus

U.S. Soldiers have been encouraged to spread the message of their Christian faith among Afghanistan's predominantly Muslim population, video footage obtained by Al Jazeera appears to show.

Military Doc Gives Advice on Flu

Senior military health officials are warning against taking antiviral medicines to fight the H1N1 flu virus until a doctor has confirmed the diagnosis.

Tragedy Leads Soldier, Wife to Activism

Tragedy Leads Soldier, Wife to ActivismKendra Gaddie's parents want to prevent as many children and families from having to experience the pain that they had to endure.

New GI Bill Sign-ups Begin Today

Up to half a million veterans are expected to begin seeking federal college aid today as the largest GI Bill program since the Vietnam War hits its first critical milestone.

Boy, 6, Accepts Dad's Silver Star

The war in Afghanistan hit close to home April 29 for students at a West Haven, Utah, school, when one of their own, a stoic 6-year-old named Jase Spargur, accepted the Silver Star on behalf of his fallen father.

AAFES Pulls Aspirin From Combat Zones

The Army and Air Force Exchange Service is pulling all products containing aspirin from the shelves at its contingency locations. The goal of the policy is to minimize blood loss in combat injuries. The concern over aspirin stems from how it affects blood's ability to clot.

KBR Sued Over War Zone Burn Pits

Three people from the Cape Fear region are among the plaintiffs in lawsuits filed across the country that claim defense contractors endangered troops and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan while burning garbage in pits on U.S. bases.

Iraq War Video Game Canceled

A video game company's plans for a video game featuring one of the bloodiest battles of the Iraq war have been blown up by a deluge of criticism. Atomic Games' "Six Days in Fallujah," which was scheduled for release next year, has been canceled by its distributor, Japanese video-game publisher Konami.

GI Charged in Fellow Soldier's Death

The U.S. military says an American Soldier has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of a fellow Soldier in northern Iraq.

Army Destroys Chemical Weapons

U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency officials announced today the destruction of 60 percent of the U.S.-declared stockpile under the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Walter Reed Marks 100 Years of Care

Walter Reed Army Medical Center first opened its doors May 1, 1909 as an 80-bed hospital.

Three in Dix Terror Plot get Life

The brothers cited Thomas Jefferson, clung to the First Amendment and even demanded to be set free during fiery speeches at their sentencing hearings in federal court yesterday. But when they were finished, each was sentenced to life in prison for plotting to kill Soldiers at Fort Dix, N.J.

General Says No Cause for Alarm

While emphasizing caution, the surgeon general of the Army said there's no reason to be alarmed by the H1N1 flu outbreak.

Army Deserter Gets One Year Sentence

An Army Soldier tearfully apologized for going to Canada to avoid deploying to Iraq and was sentenced Tuesday to a year in prison after pleading guilty to desertion.

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