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Highlighting Uniform Heritage

Highlighting Uniform HeritageAir Force heritage walked before today's deployed servicemembers when 18 volunteer Airmen from the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing wore vintage uniforms at showcase events.

Exchanges Pull Hydroxycut From Shelves

A recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration warning to consumers has prompted military exchanges to remove the diet supplement Hydroxycut from store shelves, officials here said.

Software Effective in Avoiding Crashes

Leading-edge software technology 25 years in the making by specialists in numerous Defense Department agencies and NASA has demonstrated a continuous 98 percent effectiveness rate of eliminating aircraft crashes, a NASA test flight director said.

Army Says it Confiscated Afghan Bibles

The U.S. military has confiscated Bibles that Christian U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan had apparently intended to give to local Muslims, a military spokesman has said.

NCO Brings Calm Over Camp

Strains of classical music stream from the doorway of a weather-beaten building at this forward operating base in the middle of the Afghan countryside.

New Citizens Take Oath at White House

Twenty-four servicemembers took part in a military naturalization ceremony Friday at the White House. The new citizens, representing all five services and 18 countries, were sworn in by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and welcomed as "fellow Americans" by President Barack Obama.

AAFES Pulls Aspirin From Combat Zones

The Army and Air Force Exchange Service is pulling all products containing aspirin from the shelves at its contingency locations. The goal of the policy is to minimize blood loss in combat injuries. The concern over aspirin stems from how it affects blood's ability to clot.

Ex-ACC Boss Says AF has too few F-22s

A former chief of the U.S. Air Force's combat operations told members of Congress Thursday that the Air Force needs more than double the number of Marietta-made F-22 Raptor fighter jets than the Defense Department has said it will buy.

NCO Sentenced for Larceny, Bomb Threat

A noncommissioned officer stationed here pleaded guilty to several violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and was sentenced the next day to 24 months confinement, a bad conduct discharge and a reduction in rank to airman.

Some Seek Help for Grandparent Caregivers

The mother of three Airmen is asking the military to extend financial assistance to grandparents who are caring for their grandchildren because of a military deployment. There are no official tally on the number of grandparents caring for dependents during deployments but anecdotal evidence suggests the practice is widespread.

AF Chief of Staff Returns to Roots

Some thirty-five years ago, 2nd Lt. Norton Schwartz graduated Undergraduate Pilot Training, walking away from here with a set of silver wings and a promising career with unlimited potential.

Airmen Train Next Generation

Over the Arizona desert near Tucson, nine student pilots took the "final exam" for a career most people only dream about in April. They are in the final stages of training to become F-16 Fighting Falcon pilots for the Air Force.

May: Asian-Pacific American Month

Beginning May 1, Airmen around the Air Force will begin celebrating Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month with events, speeches and various other activities at their bases.

Mistakes Preceded Training Jump Death

A series of mistakes contributed to the death of a Special Operations Command paratrooper during a training exercise over MacDill Air Force Base in January, according to a report by investigators.

Airmen Spread Goodwill During Balikatan

More than 20 Airmen participating in Exercise Balikatan 2009 visited Filipino children at schools and an orphanage April 24 and 25 here.

Glenn Gets White National Defense Award

Glenn Gets White National Defense AwardMarine, test pilot, astronaut and four-term U.S. Senator John H. Glenn, Jr. was honored as the recipient of the 2008 Thomas D. White National Defense Award.

Air Force Won't Let Drones Land Alone

Outgoing Pentagon acquisition czar John Young sharply criticized the Air Force April 27 in his last meeting with reporters, saying the service had refused to budget for an autonomous landing capability for Predator UAVs even though the Air Force has lost a substantial portion of these to landing accidents.

New Threat Detection Program Introduced

A lot of questions are likely to rush through your head when you're out on the battlefield and the enemy projectiles come flying. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency officials are making big strides on a program to respond with life-saving speed and accuracy.

WH Sorry for Photo Op Turned NY Fright

It was supposed to be a photo op that captured images of an Air Force One plane with a majestic Statue of Liberty in the background. Instead, it turned into a public relations nightmare that led to recriminations from the president and mayor and prompted thousands other to ask, "What were they thinking?"

Program Prompts Fast Flu Identification

The Defense Department's worldwide influenza monitoring program and decisive action by the medical staff at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, are being credited with helping to identify two cases of swine flu early to help prevent a potential spread.

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