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Research at Northern Appalachian Research Laboratory

Select the link on the study plan number to view more detailed information

Branch Study Plan Study Title Primary Investigator Status
NARL 08012-10
Reproduction and alevin marking techniques for Atlantic salmon
NARL 08016-01
National Fish Broodstock Database and Registry of Genetic and Performance Characterization Information for Managed Species
NARL 08016-02
Genetic characterization of sturgeon populations in the Northeastern United States
NARL 08017-01
Relative importance of stream order, water quality, and habitat quality on fish community structure and resistance to non-indigenous invasions
NARL 08019-01
Regional calibration of the EPA's Rapid Bioassessment Protocol for assessing aquatic ecosystem status in the Appalachians of Pennsylvania and New York
DiLauro, Martin Active
NARL 08020-01
Stabilization of Great Lakes community structure through restoration of native forage fish
NARL 08020-02
Role of Essential Nutrients with Emphasis on Thiamine in Early Mortality Syndrome of Salmonids and Other Species
Honeyfield, Dale C. Active
NARL 08020-03
Physiology, metabolism, and biochemistry of fresh and cryopreserved sperm of declining, threatened and endangered species
Honeyfield, Dale C. Completed
NARL 08024-01
Effects of dissolved carbon dioxide on the physiology and behavior of fishes in waters treated for acid mine drainage
Ross, Robert M. Completed
NARL 08024-02
Intermittent fluidization of granular limestone beds with carbon dioxide pretreatment for enhanced restoration of acid mine drainage
NARL 08026
Modeling stand vulnerability and biological impacts of the hemlock by the hemlock woolly adelgid
Ross, Robert M. Completed
NARL 08027
Modelling habitat quality and impact of dam removal on the restoration of Alosinesand other Diadromous fishes to the Susquehanna River
Ross, Robert M. Completed
NARL 08028
Develop internet web site for the National Fish Strain Registry (NFSR) database of characterization information on managed fish strains and populations
Kincaid, Harold Completed
NARL 08029
Morphological and molecular systematics of the crystal darter (Crystallaria asprella)
King, Timothy L. Completed
NARL 08030
Energy dynamics of Lake Michigan chinook salmon
Honeyfield, Dale C. Completed
NARL 08031
Ecology and propagation of two rare shiners, Notropis bifrenatus (bridle shiner) and Notropis chalybeus (Ironcolor shiner)
Lellis, William A. Active
NARL 08032
Morphology and Biological Structure of the Blueback Herring and the Robust Redhorse
DiLauro, Martin Completed
NARL 08033
Morphology, Histology and Ultrastructure of At-Risk Sturgeon
DiLauro, Martin Completed
NARL 08035
Genetic Broodstock Management Plan for Gila Trout
Kincaid, Harold Completed
NARL 08036
Effects of double-crested cormorant predation on fish populations in Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River
Ross, Robert M. Completed
NARL 08037
Benthic community response to limestone tributary drainage in a mine-acid impaired river system: implications for restoration of fishes
Ross, Robert M. Completed
NARL 08038
Development of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (FAR) Node
Campbell, Cara Completed
NARL 08040
Projecting drought severity and response of stream biota during extreme low-flow conditions in northern Appalachia
Campbell, Cara Active
NARL 08041
Impact of stocking non-indigenous salmonids on a federally-endangered freshwater mussel within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Lellis, William A. Active
NARL 08042
Determine the size and significance of two newly discovered populations of Alasmidonta heterodon within the Delaware River basin
Lellis, William A. Active
NARL 08046
Conservation genetics of ecologically and recreationally important fishes
Ward, Rocky Active
NARL 08048
Understanding fragmentation: A comparison of population structure between rare and common species of freshwater mussels in the upper Delaware River
Ward, Rocky Active
NARL 08050
Application of calcein as a dietary component for fish marking to enhance product evaluation and management capabilities
Honeyfield, Dale C. Active
NARL 08052
Discovery of remnant populations of the endangered dwarf wedgemussel using GIS habitat analysis
Campbell, Cara Active
NARL 08055
An Aquatic GAP Assessment for the Delaware River Basin
Campbell, Cara Active
NARL 08056
Assessing the importance of American eeel (Anguilla rostrata) restoration to freshwater mussel populations in the Susquehanna River
Lellis, William A. Active

There are 31 studies at NARL

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11649 Leetown Road, Kearneysville, WV 25430, USA
Last Modified: January 31, 2008 jmn
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