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Tag Archive | "education"

Preservation Institute Nantucket

Preservation Institute Nantucket

Preservation Institute: Nantucket (PI:N) is an interdisciplinary program that exposes participants to the theories and methodologies of international cultural heritage conservation and the research, documentation, and management of current and potential World Heritage sites.

Kirk Cordell and Andrew Ferrell of NCPTT will be guest lecturing at the Preservation Institute: Nantucket.

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Historic preservation world coming to Colorado

Historic preservation world coming to Colorado

International Preservation Trades Workshop and International Trades Education Symposium this August 25-29, 2009 in Leadville, Colorado.

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Introducing Preservation Trades to High School Students (2008-08)

Introducing Preservation Trades to High School Students (2008-08)

A fast, easy and low-cost approach for high school instructors, preservation trade practitioners and preservation organizations to introduce preservation trades in technical high schools.

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Posted in Architecture & Engineering, Featured, Grants, Heritage Education, Product CatalogComments (0)

Heritage Education at Risk

On July 16, 2008, Christine Faith hosted a TEL Event entitled Heritage Education at Risk: Why We Must Engage Formal Education Systems, which is now available as a streaming video on the NCPTT web site.

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Posted in Heritage Education, News, VideosComments (0)

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