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Cemetery Landscape Preservation Workshop

Cemetery Landscape Preservation Workshop

Improper cemetery maintenance can jeopardize the landscape’s historic character and irreversibly damage historic features. Join us for a 2-day workshop in Brookline, Massachusetts to learn the basics of cemetery landscape preservation.

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Replacing Trees in Historic Landscapes

Replacing Trees in Historic Landscapes

NCPTT, in cooperation with the Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation and the Cane River Creole National Historical Park has finished production of the instructional video “Replacing Trees in Historic Landscapes.”

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Replacing Trees in Historic Landscapes

Replacing Trees in Historic Landscapes

Trees in historic landscapes are often important cultural resources that contribute to the significance and integrity of a property. This video provides guidance on the concepts and techniques of replacing individual trees at historic properties.

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NCPTT holds its first Cemetery Landscape Preservation Workshop

NCPTT holds its first Cemetery Landscape Preservation Workshop

NCPTT hosted a two-day Cemetery Landscape Preservation Workshop in Natchitoches, Louisiana, September 16-17, attended by both NPS and non-NPS cemetery managers, maintenance personnel and volunteers.

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Posted in Cemetery Monument Conservation, Historic Landscapes, News, TrainingComments (0)

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NCPTT - National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
645 University Parkway
Natchitoches, LA 71457

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