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Awards and Successes

IEEE 1547

In June 2003, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standards Association Board approved IEEE 1547, Standard for Distributed Resources Interconnected with Electric Power Systems. This standard established a long-awaited technical foundation for the interconnection of distributed generation technologies with the electric grid. Its approval also ensured that major investments in technology development by the federal government and industry will result in real-world applications.

In 1999, NREL began its involvements in the IEEE 1547 effort. Researchers contributed their expertise and leadership to head a team of more than 350 members of government, industry, and academia to establish consensus standards for the interconnection of distributed resources.

IEEE 1547 is the foundation of a future series of distributed energy-related standards. It presents specific requirements related to the performance, operation, testing, safety, and maintenance of interconnections between distributed resources and other electric power systems. Future standards in the series will address testing (P1547.1), applications (P1547.2), communications (P1547.3), and intentional islanding (P1547.4).

The approval of the standard will have a significant effect on how the energy industry does business in the future and will influence the way the electrical distribution system will operate-with distributed generators and two-way flow of electric energy. This national standard may be used in federal legislation and rulemaking and state utility commission deliberations and by more than 3,000 utilities in formulating technical requirements for interconnection agreements.

Distributed Energy Short Course

NREL staff created a 4-hour short course on distributed generation and interconnection for a special technical session of an IEEE Power Engineering Society Meeting. The course covers issues associated with the interconnection of distributed resources with the electric power system and addresses recent developments in interconnection standards, interconnection testing, and advanced technologies for interconnection.

For more information, see the course presentation materials:
The following documents are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Acrobat Reader.

  • Interconnecting Distributed Resources to the Electric Power System: Course Information (PDF 128 KB)
  • Renewable Energy and Distributed Power Generation: Overview and Scope in USA (PDF 1.2 MB)
  • IEEE 1547 Interconnection Standards (PDF 1.2 MB)
  • Interconnection Testing and Applications (PDF 837 KB)
  • Detroit Edison Distributed Resources Utility Applications and Case Studies (PDF 1.9 MB).