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 Comcast Channel 12

Mon., May 18
6 pm
Oak Ridge Channel 12 Tues., May 19, 7 pm
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 Comcast Channel 12

Mon., June 1, 6 pm
Oak Ridge Channel 15 Every Mon., Wed., Fri., 8 am & noon

Welcome to the Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board (ORSSAB) web site. ORSSAB is a federally appointed citizens’ panel that provides independent advice and recommendations to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Office (ORO) on its Environmental Management (EM) Program in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

The board was formed in 1995 and is composed of up to 20 members, chosen to reflect the diversity of gender, race, occupation, views, and interests of persons living near the DOE Oak Ridge Reservation. Members are appointed by DOE and serve on a voluntary basis, without compensation. Non-voting liaisons include representatives from DOE-Oak Ridge, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4, and the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. Non-voting student participants also serve on the board to represent the viewpoints and concerns of area youth.

The board's mission is to provide meaningful opportunities for collaborative dialogue among the communities surrounding the Oak Ridge Reservation, EM, and DOE-ORO. The board is chartered under the EM SSAB charter. At the request of the Assistant Secretary, the ORO Manager, or the ORO Assistant Manager for EM, the board may provide informed advice and recommendations concerning the following EM site-specific issues: cleanup standards and environmental restoration, waste management and disposition, stabilization and disposition of non-stockpile nuclear materials, excess facilities, future land use and long-term stewardship, risk assessment and management, and cleanup science and technology activities. The board may also be asked to provide advice and recommendations on any other EM project or issue. The board ensures early, ongoing community access to information (and its interpretation and implications) and dialogue that improves the quality of the decision-making process of EM and ORO.

ORSSAB provides a number of avenues for the public to learn and express views about DOE-ORO EM program work. All board and committee meetings are open to the public and are announced in newspaper advertisements and the Federal Register. Board meetings are video recorded, and copies are available for public review. Information is also available by calling the ORSSAB support office at (865) 241-4583 or 241-4584.

Pictured above: FY 2009 ORSSAB members, liaisons, and student representatives. Seated, left to right: Gloria Mei, Claire Campbell (Student Representative), Tim Myrick, Steve McCracken (DOE Deputy Designated Federal Officer), Miranda Clower (Student Representative), Ron Murphree. Standing, left to right: Steve Stow, Darrell Akins, Lance Mezga, Steve Dixon (Chair), Steve Mead, Kevin Westervelt, Betty Jones, Bob Olson, Maggie Owen, Darryl Bonner, Sondra Sarten, Pat Halsey (DOE Federal Coordinator), Ed Juarez, David Martin, Ted Lundy (Vice Chair), Charles Jensen. Not pictured: Dave Adler (DOE Liaison), Bill Bass, John Coffman (Secretary), Connie Jones (EPA Liaison) John Owsley (TDEC Liaison).

Last Update: 5/14/09